Better Partitioning and More drives

i wish their were automatize Partitioning for 2 or more storage devices

is bit confusing doing it manually instead of that you can chose what you want with that drive for example use ssd as just for os and boot and hdd to /usr and /home with out doing it manualy

I find it unlikely to improve that much. It’s too ‘complicated’ as to what you want/intend.


Sure but i would be nice future to have and why it is reason for devs to try.

The challenge would be that it seems simple because you are thinking “I just want a simple interface that does xyz”. However, everyone wants something different in that scenario. In the end, it would end up being just as complicated as manual partitioning.

As real example, what you propose above is not something most people would want(It is also not something I would recommend doing).

Separating /usr from / on a different disk is very, very uncommon. Also, if you put /usr and /home on a different disk you would need to decide how much of the disk to allocate to each. Some people would also probably want different filesystems on each too. In the end, isn’t that basically the same as manual partitioning?

In the end, the time would probably be better spent making manual partitioning easier to use. Either way, it would be a very large amount of work.


I used to favor putting /home on a different disk/partition, but now, I tend to regard home as private distro space (config files etc) and would make a different data partition/drive perhaps with pure data files (no configs).
But as you say Dalto, everyone wants something different :wink:

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You could always set up LVM with multiple drives or use BTRFS.

