AUR package installation failed but shows it is installed

I tried to install this AUR Package; however, it failed. Then, I tried the other one, which also failed. It shows that it is installed, but I cannot find it in my application launcher. Even when trying to run the app through the terminal, it says, “bash: vhdcoapp: command not found.”

How do I fix this? :confused: Here’s what happened to my terminal during the installation.

[darkx@asus-x455lb ~]$ yay coapp
3 aur/vdhcoapp-git 2.0.19.r4.g0b40d3e-1 (+1 0.02)
    Companion application for Video DownloadHelper browser add-on
2 aur/vdhcoapp-bin 2.0.19-1 (+51 1.48)
    Companion application for Video DownloadHelper browser add-on, precompiled binary version
1 aur/vdhcoapp 2.0.19-1 (+69 1.01)
    Companion application for Video DownloadHelper browser add-on
==> Packages to install (eg: 1 2 3, 1-3 or ^4)
==> ^C
[darkx@asus-x455lb ~]$ yay coapp
3 aur/vdhcoapp-git 2.0.19.r4.g0b40d3e-1 (+1 0.02)
    Companion application for Video DownloadHelper browser add-on
2 aur/vdhcoapp-bin 2.0.19-1 (+51 1.48)
    Companion application for Video DownloadHelper browser add-on, precompiled binary version
1 aur/vdhcoapp 2.0.19-1 (+69 1.01)
    Companion application for Video DownloadHelper browser add-on
==> Packages to install (eg: 1 2 3, 1-3 or ^4)
==> 1
:: There are 2 providers available for cargo:
:: Repository extra
    1) rust 2) rustup

Enter a number (default=1):
AUR Explicit (1): vdhcoapp-2.0.19-1
Sync Make Dependency (4): yq-3.2.3-1, rust-1:1.77.2-1, esbuild-0.20.2-1, jq-1.7.1-1
:: (1/1) Downloaded PKGBUILD: vdhcoapp
  1 vdhcoapp                         (Build Files Exist)
==> Packages to cleanBuild?
==> [N]one [A]ll [Ab]ort [I]nstalled [No]tInstalled or (1 2 3, 1-3, ^4)
  1 vdhcoapp                         (Build Files Exist)
==> Diffs to show?
==> [N]one [A]ll [Ab]ort [I]nstalled [No]tInstalled or (1 2 3, 1-3, ^4)
==> Making package: vdhcoapp 2.0.19-1 (Lin 14 Abr 2024 04:01:27 N.U.)
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Downloading vdhcoapp-2.0.19.tar.gz...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100  417k    0  417k    0     0   388k      0 --:--:--  0:00:01 --:--:-- 2480k
  -> Cloning vdhcoapp-filepicker git repo...
Cloning into bare repository '/home/darkx/.cache/yay/vdhcoapp/vdhcoapp-filepicker'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 29, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (29/29), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (16/16), done.
remote: Total 29 (delta 10), reused 25 (delta 9), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (29/29), 17.24 KiB | 430.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (10/10), done.
==> WARNING: Skipping verification of source file PGP signatures.
==> Validating source files with sha256sums...
    vdhcoapp-2.0.19.tar.gz ... Passed
    vdhcoapp-filepicker ... Skipped
:: Remove make dependencies after install? [y/N] y
:: (1/1) Parsing SRCINFO: vdhcoapp
[sudo] password for darkx:
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Package (7)               New Version  Net Change  Download Size

extra/python-argcomplete  3.1.1-1        0.28 MiB       0.06 MiB
extra/python-tomlkit      0.12.4-1       0.61 MiB       0.10 MiB
extra/python-xmltodict    0.13.0-3       0.05 MiB       0.02 MiB
extra/esbuild             0.20.2-1       9.49 MiB       3.38 MiB
extra/jq                  1.7.1-1        0.74 MiB       0.28 MiB
extra/rust                1:1.77.2-1   249.41 MiB      60.68 MiB
extra/yq                  3.2.3-1        0.13 MiB       0.03 MiB

Total Download Size:    64.56 MiB
Total Installed Size:  260.71 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
:: Retrieving packages...
 python-argcomplete-3.1.1-1-any         65.5 KiB  71.0 KiB/s 00:01 [------------------------------------] 100%
 python-tomlkit-0.12.4-1-any           105.2 KiB   103 KiB/s 00:01 [------------------------------------] 100%
 jq-1.7.1-1-x86_64                     286.0 KiB   231 KiB/s 00:01 [------------------------------------] 100%
 yq-3.2.3-1-any                         35.3 KiB   151 KiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------------] 100%
 python-xmltodict-0.13.0-3-any          19.7 KiB  99.8 KiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------------] 100%
 esbuild-0.20.2-1-x86_64                 3.4 MiB  1419 KiB/s 00:02 [------------------------------------] 100%
 rust-1:1.77.2-1-x86_64                 60.7 MiB  7.53 MiB/s 00:08 [------------------------------------] 100%
 Total (7/7)                            64.6 MiB  7.50 MiB/s 00:09 [------------------------------------] 100%
(7/7) checking keys in keyring                                     [------------------------------------] 100%
(7/7) checking package integrity                                   [------------------------------------] 100%
(7/7) loading package files                                        [------------------------------------] 100%
(7/7) checking for file conflicts                                  [------------------------------------] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
(1/7) installing rust                                              [------------------------------------] 100%
Optional dependencies for rust
    gdb: rust-gdb script
    lldb: rust-lldb script
(2/7) installing esbuild                                           [------------------------------------] 100%
(3/7) installing jq                                                [------------------------------------] 100%
(4/7) installing python-argcomplete                                [------------------------------------] 100%
(5/7) installing python-tomlkit                                    [------------------------------------] 100%
(6/7) installing python-xmltodict                                  [------------------------------------] 100%
(7/7) installing yq                                                [------------------------------------] 100%
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
==> Making package: vdhcoapp 2.0.19-1 (Lin 14 Abr 2024 04:02:22 N.U.)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found vdhcoapp-2.0.19.tar.gz
  -> Updating vdhcoapp-filepicker git repo...
==> Validating source files with sha256sums...
    vdhcoapp-2.0.19.tar.gz ... Passed
    vdhcoapp-filepicker ... Skipped
==> Removing existing $srcdir/ directory...
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Extracting vdhcoapp-2.0.19.tar.gz with bsdtar
  -> Creating working copy of vdhcoapp-filepicker git repo...
Cloning into 'vdhcoapp-filepicker'...
==> Starting prepare()...
    Updating index
  Downloaded log v0.4.20
  Downloaded atty v0.2.14
  Downloaded cairo-sys-rs v0.18.2
  Downloaded equivalent v1.0.1
  Downloaded raw-window-handle v0.5.2
  Downloaded pkg-config v0.3.29
  Downloaded heck v0.4.1
  Downloaded serde_spanned v0.6.5
  Downloaded toml_datetime v0.6.5
  Downloaded gobject-sys v0.18.0
  Downloaded strsim v0.10.0
  Downloaded pin-utils v0.1.0
  Downloaded cfg-if v1.0.0
  Downloaded atk-sys v0.18.0
  Downloaded bitflags v1.3.2
  Downloaded termcolor v1.4.1
  Downloaded quote v1.0.35
  Downloaded gdk-pixbuf-sys v0.18.0
  Downloaded clap_lex v0.2.4
  Downloaded rfd v0.13.0
  Downloaded pango-sys v0.18.0
  Downloaded target-lexicon v0.12.13
  Downloaded autocfg v1.1.0
  Downloaded version-compare v0.1.1
  Downloaded os_str_bytes v6.6.1
  Downloaded proc-macro2 v1.0.78
  Downloaded indexmap v1.9.3
  Downloaded gdk-sys v0.18.0
  Downloaded textwrap v0.16.0
  Downloaded hashbrown v0.12.3
  Downloaded memchr v2.7.1
  Downloaded gtk-sys v0.18.0
  Downloaded hashbrown v0.14.3
  Downloaded winnow v0.5.39
  Downloaded toml_edit v0.22.4
  Downloaded gio-sys v0.18.1
  Downloaded clap v3.2.25
  Downloaded nix v0.26.4
  Downloaded syn v2.0.48
  Downloaded indexmap v2.2.2
  Downloaded serde v1.0.196
  Downloaded glib-sys v0.18.1
  Downloaded serde_derive v1.0.196
  Downloaded smallvec v1.13.1
  Downloaded cfg-expr v0.15.6
  Downloaded unicode-ident v1.0.12
  Downloaded memoffset v0.7.1
  Downloaded toml v0.8.10
  Downloaded system-deps v6.2.0
  Downloaded libc v0.2.153
  Downloaded homedir v0.2.1
  Downloaded 51 crates (3.5 MB) in 1.27s
==> Sources are ready.
==> Making package: vdhcoapp 2.0.19-1 (Lin 14 Abr 2024 04:02:33 N.U.)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> WARNING: Using existing $srcdir/ tree
==> Starting build()...
Downloading and installing node v18.20.2...
####################################################################################################### 100.0%
Computing checksum with sha256sum
Checksums matched!
Now using node v18.20.2 (npm v10.5.0)
Creating default alias: default -> 18 (-> v18.20.2)
Now using node v18.20.2 (npm v10.5.0)

added 89 packages in 12s
npm notice
npm notice New patch version of npm available! 10.5.0 -> 10.5.2
npm notice Changelog:
npm notice Run npm install -g npm@10.5.2 to update!
npm notice

added 117 packages in 23s

  bundled.js  952.6kb

⚡ Done in 71ms
> pkg@5.8.1
> Fetching base Node.js binaries to PKG_CACHE_PATH
  fetched-v18.5.0-linux-x64           [====================] 100%

> Warning Cannot resolve 'adapters[adapter]'
  Dynamic require may fail at run time, because the requested file
  is unknown at compilation time and not included into executable.
  Use a string literal as an argument for 'require', or leave it
  as is and specify the resolved file name in 'scripts' option.
   Compiling serde v1.0.196
   Compiling hashbrown v0.14.3
   Compiling target-lexicon v0.12.13
   Compiling equivalent v1.0.1
   Compiling winnow v0.5.39
   Compiling indexmap v2.2.2
   Compiling smallvec v1.13.1
   Compiling cfg-expr v0.15.6
   Compiling version-compare v0.1.1
   Compiling heck v0.4.1
   Compiling pkg-config v0.3.29
   Compiling libc v0.2.153
   Compiling autocfg v1.1.0
   Compiling memoffset v0.7.1
   Compiling indexmap v1.9.3
   Compiling bitflags v1.3.2
   Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0
   Compiling rfd v0.13.0
   Compiling hashbrown v0.12.3
   Compiling os_str_bytes v6.6.1
   Compiling serde_spanned v0.6.5
   Compiling toml_datetime v0.6.5
   Compiling pin-utils v0.1.0
   Compiling clap_lex v0.2.4
   Compiling toml_edit v0.22.4
   Compiling nix v0.26.4
   Compiling atty v0.2.14
   Compiling textwrap v0.16.0
   Compiling strsim v0.10.0
   Compiling toml v0.8.10
   Compiling termcolor v1.4.1
   Compiling system-deps v6.2.0
   Compiling raw-window-handle v0.5.2
   Compiling log v0.4.20
   Compiling homedir v0.2.1
   Compiling clap v3.2.25
   Compiling glib-sys v0.18.1
   Compiling gobject-sys v0.18.0
   Compiling atk-sys v0.18.0
   Compiling gio-sys v0.18.1
   Compiling gdk-sys v0.18.0
   Compiling pango-sys v0.18.0
   Compiling gdk-pixbuf-sys v0.18.0
   Compiling cairo-sys-rs v0.18.2
   Compiling gtk-sys v0.18.0
   Compiling filepicker v0.1.0 (/home/darkx/.cache/yay/vdhcoapp/src/vdhcoapp-filepicker)
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 51.28s
==> Entering fakeroot environment...
==> Starting package()...
==> Tidying install...
  -> Removing libtool files...
  -> Purging unwanted files...
  -> Removing static library files...
  -> Copying source files needed for debug symbols...
  -> Compressing man and info pages...
==> Checking for packaging issues...
==> Creating package "vdhcoapp"...
  -> Generating .PKGINFO file...
  -> Generating .BUILDINFO file...
  -> Adding install file...
  -> Generating .MTREE file...
  -> Compressing package...
==> Leaving fakeroot environment.
==> Finished making: vdhcoapp 2.0.19-1 (Lin 14 Abr 2024 04:04:36 N.U.)
==> Cleaning up...
loading packages...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Package (1)  New Version  Net Change

vdhcoapp     2.0.19-1      45.12 MiB

Total Installed Size:  45.12 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
(1/1) checking keys in keyring                                     [------------------------------------] 100%
(1/1) checking package integrity                                   [------------------------------------] 100%
(1/1) loading package files                                        [------------------------------------] 100%
(1/1) checking for file conflicts                                  [------------------------------------] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
(1/1) installing vdhcoapp                                          [------------------------------------] 100%
vdhcoapp: system install
Pkg: Error reading from file.
error: command failed to execute correctly
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
checking dependencies...
:: kate optionally requires rust: Rust LSP support

Package (7)         Old Version  Net Change

python-argcomplete  3.1.1-1        -0.28 MiB
python-tomlkit      0.12.4-1       -0.61 MiB
python-xmltodict    0.13.0-3       -0.05 MiB
esbuild             0.20.2-1       -9.49 MiB
jq                  1.7.1-1        -0.74 MiB
rust                1:1.77.2-1   -249.41 MiB
yq                  3.2.3-1        -0.13 MiB

Total Removed Size:  260.71 MiB

:: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n]
:: Processing package changes...
(1/7) removing esbuild                                             [------------------------------------] 100%
(2/7) removing rust                                                [------------------------------------] 100%
(3/7) removing yq                                                  [------------------------------------] 100%
(4/7) removing python-xmltodict                                    [------------------------------------] 100%
(5/7) removing python-tomlkit                                      [------------------------------------] 100%
(6/7) removing python-argcomplete                                  [------------------------------------] 100%
(7/7) removing jq                                                  [------------------------------------] 100%
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
[darkx@asus-x455lb ~]$ yay -Yc
checking dependencies...

Package (1)         Old Version     Net Change

vscodium-bin-debug   -9.34 MiB

Total Removed Size:  9.34 MiB

:: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n] y
:: Processing package changes...
(1/1) removing vscodium-bin-debug                                  [------------------------------------] 100%
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
[darkx@asus-x455lb ~]$ yay coapp
3 aur/vdhcoapp-git 2.0.19.r4.g0b40d3e-1 (+1 0.02)
    Companion application for Video DownloadHelper browser add-on
2 aur/vdhcoapp-bin 2.0.19-1 (+51 1.48)
    Companion application for Video DownloadHelper browser add-on, precompiled binary version
1 aur/vdhcoapp 2.0.19-1 (+69 1.01) (Installed)
    Companion application for Video DownloadHelper browser add-on
==> Packages to install (eg: 1 2 3, 1-3 or ^4)
==> ^C
[darkx@asus-x455lb ~]$ vhdcoapp
bash: vhdcoapp: command not found
[darkx@asus-x455lb ~]$ yay -Qs vhdcoapp
[darkx@asus-x455lb ~]$ yay -Qi vhdcoapp | grep Depends
error: package 'vhdcoapp' was not found
[darkx@asus-x455lb ~]$ yay coapp
3 aur/vdhcoapp-git 2.0.19.r4.g0b40d3e-1 (+1 0.02)
    Companion application for Video DownloadHelper browser add-on
2 aur/vdhcoapp-bin 2.0.19-1 (+51 1.48)
    Companion application for Video DownloadHelper browser add-on, precompiled binary version
1 aur/vdhcoapp 2.0.19-1 (+69 1.01) (Installed)
    Companion application for Video DownloadHelper browser add-on
==> Packages to install (eg: 1 2 3, 1-3 or ^4)
==> ^C
[darkx@asus-x455lb ~]$ paclog --package=vhdcoapp
[darkx@asus-x455lb ~]$ yay -Dk
No database errors have been found!
[darkx@asus-x455lb ~]$ pacman -Qqtd
[darkx@asus-x455lb ~]$ pacman -Qqd | pacman -Rsu --print -
[darkx@asus-x455lb ~]$ yay -Rs vhdcoapp
[sudo] password for darkx:
error: target not found: vhdcoapp
 -> exit status 1
[darkx@asus-x455lb ~]$ yay coapp
3 aur/vdhcoapp-git 2.0.19.r4.g0b40d3e-1 (+1 0.02)
    Companion application for Video DownloadHelper browser add-on
2 aur/vdhcoapp-bin 2.0.19-1 (+51 1.48)
    Companion application for Video DownloadHelper browser add-on, precompiled binary version
1 aur/vdhcoapp 2.0.19-1 (+69 1.01) (Installed)
    Companion application for Video DownloadHelper browser add-on
==> Packages to install (eg: 1 2 3, 1-3 or ^4)
==> 2
AUR Explicit (1): vdhcoapp-bin-2.0.19-1
:: (1/1) Downloaded PKGBUILD: vdhcoapp-bin
  1 vdhcoapp-bin                     (Build Files Exist)
==> Packages to cleanBuild?
==> [N]one [A]ll [Ab]ort [I]nstalled [No]tInstalled or (1 2 3, 1-3, ^4)
  1 vdhcoapp-bin                     (Build Files Exist)
==> Diffs to show?
==> [N]one [A]ll [Ab]ort [I]nstalled [No]tInstalled or (1 2 3, 1-3, ^4)
==> Making package: vdhcoapp-bin 2.0.19-1 (Lin 14 Abr 2024 04:25:07 N.U.)
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Downloading vdhcoapp-2.0.19-linux-x86_64.deb...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100 42.7M  100 42.7M    0     0  6600k      0  0:00:06  0:00:06 --:--:-- 7315k
  -> Found vdhcoapp-install.hook
  -> Found vdhcoapp-remove.hook
  -> Found vdhcoapp-user-install.hook
  -> Found vdhcoapp-user-remove.hook
==> WARNING: Skipping verification of source file PGP signatures.
==> Validating source files with sha256sums...
    vdhcoapp-2.0.19-linux-x86_64.deb ... Passed
    vdhcoapp-install.hook ... Passed
    vdhcoapp-remove.hook ... Passed
    vdhcoapp-user-install.hook ... Passed
    vdhcoapp-user-remove.hook ... Passed
:: (1/1) Parsing SRCINFO: vdhcoapp-bin
==> Making package: vdhcoapp-bin 2.0.19-1 (Lin 14 Abr 2024 04:25:15 N.U.)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found vdhcoapp-2.0.19-linux-x86_64.deb
  -> Found vdhcoapp-install.hook
  -> Found vdhcoapp-remove.hook
  -> Found vdhcoapp-user-install.hook
  -> Found vdhcoapp-user-remove.hook
==> Validating source files with sha256sums...
    vdhcoapp-2.0.19-linux-x86_64.deb ... Passed
    vdhcoapp-install.hook ... Passed
    vdhcoapp-remove.hook ... Passed
    vdhcoapp-user-install.hook ... Passed
    vdhcoapp-user-remove.hook ... Passed
==> Removing existing $srcdir/ directory...
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Extracting vdhcoapp-2.0.19-linux-x86_64.deb with bsdtar
==> Starting prepare()...
==> Sources are ready.
==> Making package: vdhcoapp-bin 2.0.19-1 (Lin 14 Abr 2024 04:25:19 N.U.)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> WARNING: Using existing $srcdir/ tree
==> Entering fakeroot environment...
==> Starting package()...
==> Tidying install...
  -> Removing libtool files...
  -> Purging unwanted files...
  -> Removing static library files...
  -> Copying source files needed for debug symbols...
  -> Compressing man and info pages...
==> Checking for packaging issues...
==> Creating package "vdhcoapp-bin"...
  -> Generating .PKGINFO file...
  -> Generating .BUILDINFO file...
  -> Generating .MTREE file...
  -> Compressing package...
==> Leaving fakeroot environment.
==> Finished making: vdhcoapp-bin 2.0.19-1 (Lin 14 Abr 2024 04:26:21 N.U.)
==> Cleaning up...
loading packages...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
:: vdhcoapp-bin-2.0.19-1 and vdhcoapp-2.0.19-1 are in conflict. Remove vdhcoapp? [y/N] y

Package (2)   Old Version  New Version  Net Change

vdhcoapp      2.0.19-1                  -45.12 MiB
vdhcoapp-bin               2.0.19-1     144.93 MiB

Total Installed Size:  144.93 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:       99.81 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
(1/1) checking keys in keyring                                     [------------------------------------] 100%
(1/1) checking package integrity                                   [------------------------------------] 100%
(1/1) loading package files                                        [------------------------------------] 100%
(1/1) checking for file conflicts                                  [------------------------------------] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
vdhcoapp: system uninstall
Pkg: Error reading from file.
error: command failed to execute correctly
(1/1) removing vdhcoapp                                            [------------------------------------] 100%
(1/1) installing vdhcoapp-bin                                      [------------------------------------] 100%
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/3) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
(2/3) Installing JSON configuration file ...
Pkg: Error reading from file.
error: command failed to execute correctly
(3/3) Installing JSON configuration file for current user ...
Pkg: Error reading from file.
error: command failed to execute correctly
[darkx@asus-x455lb ~]$ yay -Rs vhdcoapp
error: target not found: vhdcoapp
 -> exit status 1
[darkx@asus-x455lb ~]$ yay -Dk
No database errors have been found!
[darkx@asus-x455lb ~]$ yay coapp
3 aur/vdhcoapp-git 2.0.19.r4.g0b40d3e-1 (+1 0.02)
    Companion application for Video DownloadHelper browser add-on
2 aur/vdhcoapp-bin 2.0.19-1 (+51 1.48) (Installed)
    Companion application for Video DownloadHelper browser add-on, precompiled binary version
1 aur/vdhcoapp 2.0.19-1 (+69 1.01)
    Companion application for Video DownloadHelper browser add-on
==> Packages to install (eg: 1 2 3, 1-3 or ^4)
==> 2
AUR Explicit (1): vdhcoapp-bin-2.0.19-1
:: PKGBUILD up to date, skipping download: vdhcoapp-bin
  1 vdhcoapp-bin                     (Installed) (Build Files Exist)
==> Packages to cleanBuild?
==> [N]one [A]ll [Ab]ort [I]nstalled [No]tInstalled or (1 2 3, 1-3, ^4)
  1 vdhcoapp-bin                     (Installed) (Build Files Exist)
==> Diffs to show?
==> [N]one [A]ll [Ab]ort [I]nstalled [No]tInstalled or (1 2 3, 1-3, ^4)
==> Making package: vdhcoapp-bin 2.0.19-1 (Lin 14 Abr 2024 04:27:24 N.U.)
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found vdhcoapp-2.0.19-linux-x86_64.deb
  -> Found vdhcoapp-install.hook
  -> Found vdhcoapp-remove.hook
  -> Found vdhcoapp-user-install.hook
  -> Found vdhcoapp-user-remove.hook
==> WARNING: Skipping verification of source file PGP signatures.
==> Validating source files with sha256sums...
    vdhcoapp-2.0.19-linux-x86_64.deb ... Passed
    vdhcoapp-install.hook ... Passed
    vdhcoapp-remove.hook ... Passed
    vdhcoapp-user-install.hook ... Passed
    vdhcoapp-user-remove.hook ... Passed
:: (1/1) Parsing SRCINFO: vdhcoapp-bin
==> Making package: vdhcoapp-bin 2.0.19-1 (Lin 14 Abr 2024 04:27:25 N.U.)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found vdhcoapp-2.0.19-linux-x86_64.deb
  -> Found vdhcoapp-install.hook
  -> Found vdhcoapp-remove.hook
  -> Found vdhcoapp-user-install.hook
  -> Found vdhcoapp-user-remove.hook
==> Validating source files with sha256sums...
    vdhcoapp-2.0.19-linux-x86_64.deb ... Passed
    vdhcoapp-install.hook ... Passed
    vdhcoapp-remove.hook ... Passed
    vdhcoapp-user-install.hook ... Passed
    vdhcoapp-user-remove.hook ... Passed
==> Removing existing $srcdir/ directory...
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Extracting vdhcoapp-2.0.19-linux-x86_64.deb with bsdtar
==> Starting prepare()...
==> Sources are ready.
 -> vdhcoapp-bin-2.0.19-1 already made -- skipping build
==> Making package: vdhcoapp-bin 2.0.19-1 (Lin 14 Abr 2024 04:27:29 N.U.)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> WARNING: Using existing $srcdir/ tree
==> Sources are ready.
loading packages...
warning: vdhcoapp-bin-2.0.19-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Package (1)   Old Version  New Version  Net Change

vdhcoapp-bin  2.0.19-1     2.0.19-1       0.00 MiB

Total Installed Size:  144.93 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:        0.00 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
(1/1) checking keys in keyring                                     [------------------------------------] 100%
(1/1) checking package integrity                                   [------------------------------------] 100%
(1/1) loading package files                                        [------------------------------------] 100%
(1/1) checking for file conflicts                                  [------------------------------------] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
(1/1) reinstalling vdhcoapp-bin                                    [------------------------------------] 100%
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/4) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
(2/4) Checking which packages need to be rebuilt
(3/4) Installing JSON configuration file ...
Pkg: Error reading from file.
error: command failed to execute correctly
(4/4) Installing JSON configuration file for current user ...
Pkg: Error reading from file.
error: command failed to execute correctly
[darkx@asus-x455lb ~]$ vhdcoapp
bash: vhdcoapp: command not found
[darkx@asus-x455lb ~]$ yay -Rs vhdcoapp
error: target not found: vhdcoapp
 -> exit status 1
[darkx@asus-x455lb ~]$ yay -Dk
No database errors have been found!
[darkx@asus-x455lb ~]$ yay -Yc
[darkx@asus-x455lb ~]$

you have a typo, you typed vhdcoapp instead of vdhcoapp.

As it says in the description, it is a browser add-on and therefore not a standalone software.


Edit: The software is installed, you should open your browser and see if the add-on is available.

1 Like

Tip: you can save some typing and get the correct package names by using option -S when installing. For example, write to terminal

yay -S 

(that is: “yay -S” and a space) and the first letters of the package name, then press the TAB key. This will complete the package name correctly, if it is unique. If not unique, it will show possible alternatives, and you can write more letters and press the TAB key again. Repeat this until you have the correct and full package name.

Actually the -S is used for installing, without it you are actually searching.


Thanks for this. I normally used

yay -q 

then typed part of the package name, which would return all the possible results. But this is more efficient.

1 Like

Omg, I’m so dumb. Thanks for pointing it out. It was installed all the time. Unfortunately, my Firefox does not recognize it (the add-on is already installed, but it’s okay; I will take care of that since I already saw their website).

Thank you. I didn’t know I could use the TAB key completion for packages. I’m only used to it for accessing paths and files.

I’m so sorry for wasting your time, guys. Next time, I’ll carefully read every package that I install.


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