Are we there yet?

Hi! I’m Psi-Jack! Been using Linux for… Just over 30 years now, and I’m going to continue to do so. I’ve used other operating systems… Windows up to NT 4.0 in a serious manner, but up to about 7 in occasional piddling. I use macOS on a regular basis for personal and business use, as it’s generally my choice when the company offers me a company laptop, to go with a MacBook Pro because it interoperates very well with pretty much anything “business” related and isn’t Windows. I’ve also used other operating systems, AIX, Irix, Solaris, SunOS, OS/2. etc etc etc…

So, yeah, been around a bit. I program, though I am not a software engineer, just a hobby/casual programmer, in various languages including Python, Rust, Pony, C++, PHP, and bash/zsh scripting. I’ve done other languages including Perl, Pascal, Dynamic C, and some lisp only for what’s needed, and similarly lua. Ancient history languages I’ve worked with have been COBOL, Fortran, RPG, and BASIC (c64 and cisc).

So, all in all, a very… diverse background and jack of all trades of knowledge set… I’ve literally forgotten more Linux than most people will likely ever know in their lifetimes, because of how long I’ve been using it extensively and primarily.

Since I finally started really focusing my attention on EndeavourOS, I’m really liking the simplicity of it’s design, and not overstepping things. Providing a good starting point, a nice installer, and that user_commands.bash script you can use to customise EndeavourOS is amazing and has refreshed my thoughts on EndeavourOS because I can literally design a “golden install”, so to speak.


three decades is a crap-ton of linux knowledge. as it evolved some concepts were meant to be thrown out and some etched forever.
I found myself here too recently but a whole other route. Debian/Rhel were never my things and Arch seems comfortable.
Nice to meet you.
PS- I used Mac professionally a long time knew it inside out but never wanted to use it personally
PSS—Solaris, I really loved it’s directness and unapologetic trench mentality, it was built to grind. too bad it costs to use. Not as sparse as Alpine or LFS or anything, but I always remembered it in a sea of forgettable ones.

I’m guessing you remember elm, trn, ytalk, and all the old (but gold) tools from yesteryear! Welcome, there’s a saying that what we forget isn’t necessarily lost, just marked for retrieval should we ever need it again, kept in a box along with all the other bits that fit for what we were doing at the time. Everything’s relevant if it’s meaningful to us.

Interested to know what your favourite or most used app has been through the last 30 years…? Mine would have to be joe (because Wordstar was amazing) and vim. Still use both, muscle memory never fades…!

Are we there yet?


Did you kinda forgot the ™?

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Thanks! Fixed it!


Hi and thanks for sharing your snippets of code in some of the threads :smiley:
Take care,