Are there more codes or abbreviations to format forum threads?

In another thread I found a code <kbd>Key</kbd> to represent keyboard buttons like this Key. This is not selectable in the bar at the top.
Are there more abbreviations or codes to format my posts prettier?

There are many that are not documented visibly on the forum, many of which I picked up along the way. I suspect that many of them are used elsewhere as well, but I forget what ‘format rules’ they effectively follow. Hope you enjoy the search for enlightenment that could follow from this! Maybe someone can point out the rule source(s) for us all… :grin:

BTW - headline size is another

that is often used - but I don’t know them all (that was h6 in the example provided). Enjoy

Here are a few I use…

[spoiler]Spoiler Content[/spoiler]

Spoiler Content



[details="Summary"]Text is available via drop-down arrow.[/details]


This text is available via drop-down arrow. The word “Summary” can be changed to whatever you’d like.

# Header size large

Header size large

## Header size medium

Header size medium

### Header size small

Header size small

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There are some tips in this topic here, as well as links to external resources if you want to dig a little deeper:

There is partial support for markdown, BBCode, and HTML, and you can mix-and-match any of the supported options if you wish.


Thanks to all for the tipps.

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