Pot calling the kettle black when you and mandog have been being pedantic in this context.
Somehow it can’t be Arch if you use an installer and if you say EOS is Arch (which it is) then its somehow insulting the Devs which set out to make Arch with an easy installer and set of tools to do that from the get go.
Its incredibly strange and doesn’t make a lot of sense besides having some obstinate need to separate things based on some awkward purist ideals and need to be in a specific group
Edit: What’s the advantage of EOS vs Arch, a community that doesn’t care how you installed it and will help you regardless
I’m always going to say I use EndeavourOS an Arch based distro because that’s what it is. Whether it is Manjaro or Archlabs, or Swagach, or Anarchy Linux or Arco Linux to name a few. They all have their differences sure but I still consider them all to be an Arch based install. The rest is just symantec’s and opinion. This is mine. Doesn’t make them less Arch. Just all have differences.
If asked I say I use EOS, but one thing I’ll say is comparing EOS to Manjaro doesn’t work out because Manjaro actually breaks compatibility with some base Arch things and AUR packages.
Manjaro is trying to be Ubuntu but Archish and makes some of the same missteps imo
I understand the differences and where they have gone but I still consider it Arch based. I don’t use it mostly because it’s always further behind. I want to be rolling on the cutting edge.
At the moment yes its Arch based (though breakage makes me say otherwise) but in 5-10yrs I doubt that’ll be the case if its still around.
Much like how Ubuntu is more its own thing now vs Debian based for example. While it still uses Debian bits a lot of things won’t go back and forth between them without breakage
Edit: IMO if you are 100% package compatible its the same OS just different UI/UX spins. If you break compatibility then you’re becoming different
I thought it was much closer to Arch when I used it as well. Then I started tinkering with it and AUR packages just to find out frequently Arch Wiki instructions and tips don’t Apply to Manjaro. That’s what eventually lead me to EOS
Practically whith Arch you have more options to set up your system e. g. file system etc.
If u r fine with the options the installer gives u (and I think 99% of all people will be fine with it), there is no real benefit of Arch despite the learning curve and that u can put “i use arch btw” into your signature.
Advantages of EOS: The installer and that even noobs like me get help.
Just one thought - I only which one I am on by the logo I put on top of the main conky. I have 3 ‘Arch way’ installs - and they are all different and are ‘enhanced’ in 2 cases by extra repos. Yes, I have put EnOS repo in an Arch
I’m just glad that Arch exists, and the EndeavourOS is trying to perfect it… (or should that be purrrfect it?)
Manjaro has its own personal set of missteps too lol
Like I can’t stand by blaming users for their system breaking when they push broken updates after git cloning arch pkgs without checking for needed interventions
I’m referring to a post they made over on their forums which garnered A LOT of criticism for good reason. I have no personal problems with them but I won’t shy away from criticizing poor choices and blanket blaming users.
Silence is complacency, and that is why they lost a ton of experienced users who were heavily involved with the community. Of course trying to change a rock by talking to it won’t change it either. There is nothing to be gained by bringing up the failures of Manjaro, let it go. They have made their bed, and time will take care of the rest.
Here’s my opinion on the difference between pure Arch and EndeavourOS:
It’s a lot like either buying a modular (mobile) home, compared to building your own home. The modular is pre-built with specs that you either like, or that you can change before it’s built. Then it’s delivered to your plot of land to be placed where you want. Or you can buy the materials that you need, and build your home the way that you want, and take as much time as you want to make sure things ‘are just right’.
Personally I’m quite happy with the modular way. The community here is diverse and very polite (and yeah we do disagree from time to time - but that’s normal). I’ve also noticed that the Arch community lately have really calmed down on their forums - especially the Beginner section. It’s quite refreshing to be honest. Wonder if this community might have had a hand in that. One can only guess…
I’ve also wanted to install the pure Arch way. But then I remember how much easier it is to install EndeavourOS (or just about any other Arch-based distro out there), and that action passes into history not to be acted on.