Anyone here used promox?

Was wondering if there were any resources people suggest I look into for this?

I’m doing it to mess around with LXC containers that I can use to play with kubernertes as well hosting my docker containers and VMs that I currently run oin unraid, while also running a VM with the drive controllers passed through for unraid to continue managing my storage.

I am using it as my home lab virtual hypervisor.
There is a learning curve, but Proxmox is built on top of Debian, so easy sailing.
Yes, the LXC containers templates are already implemented, it is easy to deploy one.

Just to update, I got this working with UNRAID running in a VM with my intel iGPU passed through so that it works with transcoding with plex docker in unraid.

Very nice as it means I can move my services across to proxmox at my own pace without worrying about my plex users.