It does not auto start.
I thought it would autostart.
In budgie system-settings/Display I have forced the time slots from everything 5am-4:59AM to 5 to 5…just looking for 24/7 coverage.
In budgie-desktop-settings it does NOT show up as an autostart app to add…a la redshift.
would this be a systemctl *.service issue I need to set up?
(yes I scoured our own search function)
edit: thank you.
Don’t know how you’ll get it to autostart, but as you mentioned redshift, here’s a workaround:
redshifter 3000 0.75
This uses redshifter, but I’m guessing redshift works in a similar way. If you already have redshifter, put that in your autostart as the command. But of course, change it to whatever tone and brightness you prefer. This is my default on Cinnamon and my WMs.
I use the below keys to change them (tone and brightness) as needed throughout the day:
when I discovered linux I was all about trying everything bitchin’ and neato from everwhere and anywhere and all the foss I could eat. love me some redshift and it’s cousins…always did me right. Like your .conf specs.
but this year I’m trying to stay local/built-in for as much stuff as I can (eos/DE) to see how that goes as a spartan. with only 2 aur packages and 2 flatpaks I would have to say I’m mostly winning in this quest…but not bigly or with my built-in screen dimmer.
technically it will never be a command or app that can be applied in budgie autostart…it’s just create the system.ctl service then activate the service?
to use you nano (for me, gedit) —is this technically a .conf we are creating here?–after the following it would look like this?:
Description=Autostart nightlight.service [do I just make up the name here?]
ExecStart=/usr/bin/nightlight.service [how did I create the binary? or use existing binary name if its a binary?]
[Install] [what do I change here?]
I never created a service before,
Where do I save the Nano?
I use Micro. I put nano because it’s included in the default package list for EOS. Use any editor you’d like, it doesn’t matter.
It’s a .service, not a .conf. Am I understanding the question?
Yes, you can just make up whatever you want for the description.
The ExecStart= line should be the name of the program you want the service to start. In other words, he ExecStart= line should say what you would type in the terminal if you were going to launch the program from the command line.
You should put the full path to the binary/script, even if it is somewhere in your PATH.
I would not change this line unless the service doesn’t work for some reason.
Say what?!
The file should be named something that ends in .service. User services can be stored in ~/.config/systemd/user/, like my example:
thank you for the step by step, and the patience. give it a spin tomorrow and report back.
I don’t know why I made distro/DE native packages my priority this year (I could easily have redshift and no thread here) but I’m on a mission .
add command as above redshifter 3700 0.8
install cronie and use crontab to schedule commands at given times.
replace echo line with the redshifter line you like in this script and put into autostart
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while true
current_time="$(date +'%s')"
lower_bound="$(date -d '08:00' +'%s')"
upper_bound="$(date -d '17:30' +'%s')"
if [ "${current_time}" -ge "${lower_bound}" -a "${current_time}" -lt "${upper_bound}" ]; then
echo 'Current time is within working hours interval'
echo 'Current time is outside working hours interval'
sleep 300
Strange. I entered as command in autostart redshifter 3400 0.8
rebooted and worked.
New installation with Galileo Budgie
yay -S redshifter (was done first of course)
I can repeat from scratch. It takes less than 10 minutes
logout is is enough ‘Keep it simple’ as team members of EnOS are proud of.
Side Note: It is nonsense that Budgie has no Autostart for civil users.
Next level the script above-
More elegant with cronie and crontab I repeat.
it saved fine.
Saved it here ~/.config/systemd/user/budgie_night_light.service
running your sudo systemctl --user enable --now budgie_night_light.service
`Failed to connect to bus: No medium found`
was user really my name? or something else? edit/formatting
No, you have it right: for this path it should literally say “user”.
This line is not right though:
The service should be starting whatever executable you want to be run. “budgie_night_light.service” is not an executable, that is the service you have created to run the executable. The ExecStart line should be the path to the actual application which you want the service to start.
nothing in /bin with that name
these are all the budgie bins…
…it’s not smacking me in the face yet (but that’s how it usually happens in these new ventures.) If you don’t know what starts night light then I shall go a-sleuthing and report back.
Thank you for responding.
Hmm, I’m actually not sure on that one. I’ve never used Budgie before actually, except a while back when testing out Solus.
I gave a quick search to see if I could be helpful, but I must admit I was not prepared for pages and pages of results related to getting an actual night light for a pet bird.
the bird will happen! I can find out the program at BoB or Solus (creator’s ear is at both). It’s a perfect model you templated. I never created a .service and I’m excited to try it. I know my way around systemd but never beyond the --help stuff.
When I get that info I can dial in the native app on my Endeavour.
Last question (thanks for being responsive) and its OT: tiring of DDG, what is special about Whoogle? Have never seen it or tried it. Graci–