Another Egregious Microsoft "Up-sell"

Incredibly glad I don’t have any use or need for Microsoft apps, and I absolutely can’t wait until the day I no longer have to use them at work.

Just a heads-up that for those of you are still tied to their apps, - there are options to stay on your existing plan without the price increase.

For the rest of you, - LibreOffice is, unless you’re knee deep in PowerBI, SQL and Excel at an Enterprise level, more than enough.


click bait, ehh?

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It’s just all out sh*tty that they’d hide the options to not have AI shoved down your throat and make you pay for something you don’t want or need without realising it.

AI has its uses, from medical diagnoses to developing new materials and drugs, it’s incredible at specifics and is evolving rapidly. Do I want to be given the choice as to whether it’s in my life and the tools I use? Absolutely yes :slight_smile:


Same here, and I completely agree. It’s been more than a decade since I last had Windows installed on any PC or laptop. Sadly, I still deal with the mess that is Windows at work.

Indeed. LibreOffice is more than enough for the vast majority of typical home users. I’ve found OnlyOffice to be a very close second.


OnlyOffice is my suite of choice. It’s sweet!


I respect Mike for not being angry at this, actually. At first, I was angry at Microsoft for this upsell, but after hearing Mike’s take on things at the end of the video, I realized that my anger doesn’t really have a purpose. Don’t get me wrong, I find Microsoft’s actions here really annoying, but my anger won’t really fix anything and it only makes me harm, not good.

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Yeah OnlyOffice is way better then Libre Office!
i moved from Microsoft’s Office crap years ago.

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Agreed, I’m a big fan of OnlyOffice. Although I use Softmaker Office as well (the paid version), FreeOffice (free version of SoftMaker Office), and even WPS office. I actually dislike OpenOffice. While the application works fine, the UI is a steaming pile of chaos if you set it to use the “ribbon” style, and it’s very slow to launch compared to everything else, IMO.

I would trust a human to diagnosis me over than a cold dead machine. I don’t see my view changing. I’ve seen no evidence at all AI is superior to a human brain. None. I think it’s 10 years away maybe.

absolutely yes. I feel lucky and suspicious that the choice exists.

all true but at the end of the day anger is a better response than being numb and sad to all this crap as I think I am becoming.

SoberCynic. But working on that right now :wink:

OpenOffice is a derelict project. Version 4.1.xx was released in 2014, and 11 years on, it’s still version 4.1.xx.

In April 2011, Oracle stopped development of and laid off the remaining development team. Its reasons for doing so were not disclosed; some speculate that it was due to the loss of mindshare with much of the community moving to LibreOffice

Source: Wikipedia - Apache OpenOffice

The one thing machines are really, really good at, is pattern recognition, and recombinant queries. They’re already proven to be able to detect cancerous cells well before the point at which a trained human would be able to spot them. Recursive improvement and training on synthetic data is the new normal here, and as much as I hate AI being shoved into everything from a privacy invasion perspective, I’m willing to recognise where there’s a real, empirical benefit.

Given we now have baseline quantum computing as a reality, - with the capability to compute standard benchmarks in five minutes that would take currently “ordinary” supercomputers longer than the age of the universe (10 septillion (to the power of 25) years if I remember), respectfully, I think we’re far, far closer than 10 years away from machines vastly outperforming humans.


Medical tech is one of the areas I don’t mind AI being in, but a human will always be needed to verify whatever the AI detects. As AI would be a lot faster at analysing data of my health, and I imagine with family member permission could also analyse there medical history to link up potential early signs of family inherited issues. The doctor would then verify if the AI is correct.

I don’t work in medical fields so I assume there are confidentiality requirements or rules where they can’t just allow loads of files be scanned. I agree with that and should be opt-in by the patient to help with research or filtered so only non identifying personal information is scanned such as symptoms and health issues. You never know if companies behind the AI for medical sector will do targeted advertising of medical products and procedures (That may or may not be necessary) otherwise and your refusal will make things more expensive later.

I personally would only want a person to operate on me rather than a physical robot though, if something goes wrong then who is held accountable. If a robot messes something up and I die or get an injury then I would worry the future will start normalising the idea of a robot messed up and “it happens” attitude which I’m sure companies would love to get out of being held responsible. If a robot messed up, who would get sued or fined in that case, even then the machine will still be in use afterwards, while normally a person will potentially lose their job to avoid it happening again. It’s a similar dilemma to the whole self-driving car scenario and how it decides to avoid a crash or if someone is injured then who/what is accountable for that.

no doubt in many area, agreed.

It would be interesting if they treat the liability different in real dr. vs. robot dr. i,e, reprimand; lawyers; sanctions. Brave New World coming :slight_smile: