Annoyed by Files (Nautilus)

I’m running Gnome 45 and about once a month Files will permanently delete a random folder. At least today it was the empty “Desktop” folder and not the entire “Home” folder. I’m tired of doing daily full backups of my data and I’m ready to junk Files or Gnome. Any suggestions on a different file manager?

Nemo (gtk) or Dolphin (qt) for similar/better features. I heard Xplorer is also good. I’m hesitant to mention PCManFM-gtk and/or Thunar because I quite simply don’t like them.

And, if you are switching DEs entirely, Cinnamon or Budgie would be my only DE-based recommendations for someone who has been using Gnome. If you don’t mind Qt, then KDE no doubt.

Finally, if you don’t mind WMs, then Openbox for a DE-like experience, and dk, i3, or Bspwm for tiling WMs.

This sounds as if you have had the “dubious pleasure” of having come across a BUG.

I haven’t been experiencing this nor have I heard of such an issue before.

If this was a widespread occurrence, it should have caused a massive uproar in the GNOME community by now.

Perhaps you might consider filing a bug report at:

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I think I’ve used them all in those DEs in past 12 years. What I need is Cinnamon with basic tiling capability (basically quarter-tiling built in.) I’ve also gotten used to the speed of Gnome on Wayland. XFCE suddenly feels clunky :slight_smile:

Not sure if “quarter-tiling” is the same as manual tiling into grids, but if that is what you mean, then Cinnamon has this. You just need to set hotkeys to move windows into position.

I’d only recommend Xfce to persons who are willing to customize everything from scratch. Though, to be honest, it’s practically the same as recommending Openbox.

You can also set windows to open up in the middle of the screen if that’s a preference of yours. Otherwise, they will remember their position (and geometry — they always remember their geometry).

Probably a bug. Which hasn’t never happened to me :confused:

I heard the gaming performance is lackluster, 2-4days ago somebody’s solution to their gaming problem is to switch from XFCE to KDE.

No, it’s not, Xfce is a DE, Openbox is a WM, Xfce core components bring more :

As a followup I don’t believe I’ve found some great bug but merely operator stupidity. Upon reflection I’ve been running two instances of Files side by side because the Gnome devs don’t like dual pane file managers. My guess is I’m hitting “shift delete” when the wrong window is active. Ouch. Anyway I’ll be playing in Cinnamon for awhile. It seems to have come a long way since I last used it as a daily driver in 2018.


I switched to Cinnamon over a year ago because KDE was having some issues with my Nvidia card. The only thing I missed was Dolphin.

Since then, though, I’ve actually gotten used to tiling WMs, and I’ve converted my Cinnamon setup to mimic a manual tiler. I use gtile (a Cinnamon extension) to remove window decorations and shortcuts to move windows around.

Hope it fulfils any needs you may have from a DE.

I’m an old hand at Cinnamon, old enough to remember CinnArch the predecessor to Antergos. I tried gTile on Gnome and likely will again on Cinnamon.

You can find some utilities which emulate a tiling window manager, these are in the AUR :

How do you know that “Files” is doing that? What is the evidence?
Is “Files” = Nautilus?
When exactly does it happen? When you start “Files”? When you login?
Which autostart scripts do you have? ($HOME/.config/autostart and /etc/xdg/autostart/)
Is it always happening the same day or week of the month?
Is there a naming pattern of the folders that are being deleted? Can you give example of the last 3-5 folders that have been deleted?
Do you have any scripts in ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/ ?
Which nautilus packages resp. addons have you installed?

This guy didn’t read the whole thread :upside_down_face: :point_down:

Thanks for mentioning. I didnt see that.
Should be marked as “solution” as far as I am concerned.

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