An adventure with Rogue Trader

I have to share this with you guys.

As you probably know, Rogue Trader is on sale in Steam. We’ll naturally I decided to grab it and after Valve had grabbed my money to their pockets next step was to download and install it.

So I started my download and it went relatively well (my internet is not the fastest but manageable still) and finally I was ready to start the game.

Insert adventure starts here.

Finally I clicked Play -button and the dance with Vulkan -shaders begun. This time the walz was relatively fast and I was soon watching the opening screens (which of course was unskippable, because reasons). Menu loaded fast enough, I went to settings and set everything ultra, because why not.

So I ventured forth to actual game. Since this was first time playing I just wanted to see that it works and start play through later. Finally I was in the loading screen. Progress bar grew and grew and finally reached 100%.

I waited a little while. Then little bit longer and finally little too long and decided to quit game and start searching answers for this. First I checked Proton DB although I knew that game was fully playable on Linux.

Second thing was to start searching possible known bugs and I soon found out that this was relatively common bug and it was able to be solved by deleting cache files. I did this and went back to game. Well at this point you probably guessed that it did not work.

After that disappointment I looked again possible solutions. There were many and if I remember correctly some required to dance around computer residing “Emperor protects” and some other esoteric things.

Finally it came to point where I decided try the Ultimate Solution and reinstalled game. I waited while my putput internet did it’s magic again and soon I was in the loading screen again. Well, this time I waited much longer and finally game wanted to press key to start.

Well game did start but it was so damn jerky. So I decided to play with settings, but nothing prevailed. Finally I decided to reboot the computer.

On shutdown phase I noticed a paragraph on the bottom saying something like "username session 3 closing. I was like what the heck and waited machine to reboot.

I was not expecting much and was already considering getting refund and started the game for “last” time.

And you know what?

That damn thing worked like a charm and loading time was a fraction of what it used to be before! So now I have a working Rogue Trader which is nice.

I am dumbfounded however on why EOS had three simultaneously running sessions? I was not able to find answer, but there are always unsolved mysteries on Linux.

Maybe truth is out there… :alien:

Made me think of this straight away.

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well - the point of the game is to crash everything - starting with your computer :grin: