Am I using Opensnitch correctly?

It shouldn’t really effect things unless you come across a program that has trouble being blocked by command line.

Also, what is

Should apply to all new rules that opensnitch creates automatically and yes they will continue to be created automatically. Whenever you manually create a rule. You are always given the option to choose by executable or by command line.

Go ahead or just link them here. Doesn’t matter to me. However, for the sake of this forum. Go ahead and mark my comment that contained the solution as the solution if it meets your needs.

Yes, especially when you are using regex.

Regex is a powerful language for manipulating text. It used everywhere and really helpful to know in all types of programs.


Ehhh, my english(spelling at least) used to be much better in school, but after finishing school and adding almost 20 years of “internet english” on top of that, this is the result… :blush:

Sure, forgot about that, done.

LE: And thanks for the 1,2,3 answers.

No problem, I probably should have realized that. My logical reasoning skills seem to fail me for basic stuff sometimes.

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During your testing to figure all this out, did you happen to notice if setting the rule for a game would make that game take a long time to open and close?

I’m trying to figure out if it’s just my crappy hardware or what, cause when I don’t have the rule the game takes a couple of seconds to launch, and when I close it it shuts down almost instantly.
But once I add the rule it takes 10++seconds to launch the game and even when I quit it takes 5 seconds or so to shut down…

LE: It runs as well as ever no issues there, just the opening and closing…

No I didn’t notice anything like that, they all launched the same in with the couple games I tested, but that kind of thing depends on the game.

If it runs fine without the rule, then I doubt it is your hardware. Maybe the game maker implemented a long timeout wait for testing for an internet connection. That kind of thing would be different on a per game basis.

Hm, true, I didn’t think about that. Though usually that comes with a visual component to let you know what is going on, but in the case of this smaller game I’m on now I suppose it’s possible the developer didn’t bother adding the visual part.

I have games that refuse to so much as open without an internet connection. No error message or anything.

Loool, really, still? I haven’t run into a game like that in ages… :smiley:

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