All necessary basic commands for general use

Some terminal commands that are worth knowing.

All of the basic commands for which much information is available elsewhere:
ls, mv, cp, cd, rm, rmdir, mkdir

Commands you should learn to use that have entire guides dedicate to their usage:
find, grep, less, ps, chown, chmod

Show a list of your disks and partitions

Show all your mounted partitions, how much space is used and how much is free:
df -h

Create symbolic link:
ln -s <source> <target>

Shutdown the system:
systemctl poweroff

systemctl reboot

List all the potential systemd unit files:(useful when you want to enable one but you can’t remember the exact name)
systemctl list-unit-files

Start/stop/enable/disable a service:
systemctl start|stop|enable|disable <service>

Get information about a command:
which <command>

Get help on the usage of a command:
man <command>

Dump the contents of a file to the screen:
cat <filename>

Run a command as root or another user:
sudo <command>

Of course, you should also know about pacman, the package manager: