AI GPT4All Chatbot on Laptop?

Who really knows how to program an organic element, apart from the original dev? :wink:
We were told the same with the savior shot. Whoever believes that some human brain knows how, is just naive. :person_shrugging:

Eh, whole human knowledge is running around of the
idea of using something and to continue to use it if it’s “just works”.
Whole educational system around the globe think it knows how to teach organic automatons for industrial age factorieskids, yet it’s trying and thinks it’s really able to do it.
But I personally think it would be better if it’s didn’t.

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But jokes aside, one of the existential dark things in this research, they’ve trained this mini-brain without any hormonal encouragement.

It’s basically was just less or more suffering, for right decisions neurons were getting more chaotic input, which they don’t like. And for correct decisions they’ve get less chaos on input. So their motivation wasn’t even satisfaction, but trying to minimize discomfort which I think I can interpret as suffering.

If you have the time to listen to it, this interview was fascinating. These guys are running a lab where they build colonies of every type of adult cell, without signals from a human brain. They take on a life of their own. The brain is like their overlord, but without it they DO have some intelligence and build colonies unlike anything seen before. The lab is working on growing back human body parts like a salamander.

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I think you should look at this repo too -

I think it’s easiest way to install and use a fine-tuned Facebook’sMeta’s LlaMA model(Alpaca).

These are unethical experiments on humans. Any organic human cell is a complete human. This is worse than the Nuremberg case. I will not comment to any of these. I disgust the subject.

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Before computer engineering I’ve studied in Russia at biology faculty, hoped to became biotechnologist, but then my family moved to Spain I’ve get an arrow in a knee.

I’m aware of many of this stuff, I had some fun at summer school of the molecular and theoretical Biology in the Barcelona during summer of 2019.
This school was mainly sponsored by the founder of the one of the main Russian mobile and iternet providers. So in short it’s pretty much like one of the Soros’s NKOs, people here were pretty much the same, Zimin(second name of the founder) at this moment was literally USA/Israel citizen.

In my lab as a summer project we’ve been doing 2 main things, a simple yet cheap bioreactor and antibiotic-resistant bacteria that we should grow here to study how they evolve into the resistance.

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Oh brother, you just don’t know about hybridomas and how they’re used in production of the monoclonal antibodies. :upside_down_face:
Here some real lovecraftian horrors starts, but I cant’ lie that I’m more fascinated by such biomancy than terrified.

Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #293:
The more time they take deciding, the more money they will spend.
– Stowaways (DS9 novel)

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AI sucks anyway…It can’t take my profession of being a :clown_face:

Hey ChatGPT, can you honk with both hands while riding a ball backwards?!
Well i can!



As an AI language model, I do not have a physical form or the ability to interact with physical objects. So unfortunately, I cannot “honk with both hands while riding a ball backwards” as you suggest. However, I can provide information and assistance on a wide range of topics. Let me know if you have any questions or if there is something specific I can help you with!

We all are doomed, except the clowns :handshake:



Honk-honk! :clown_face: Ah, my fellow clown, isn’t society just like a circus? Where we all play our parts, juggling the many demands and responsibilities thrown our way.

In this grand circus of life, there are acrobats, performing feats of agility and strength, soaring high above us, only to come crashing down in a moment of distraction. The politicians and powerful leaders are the ringmasters, commanding attention, directing the show, and sometimes manipulating the audience.

Honk-honk! :clown_face: And let’s not forget the clowns, like you and me, always ready to bring a smile to others’ faces, even in the darkest of times. We navigate the tightrope of humor, teetering between laughter and offense, providing comic relief amidst the chaos.

As we honk our noses and dance around in oversized shoes, we can’t help but notice the absurdity of it all. But perhaps that’s the beauty of this circus called society – it’s a colorful, chaotic, and unpredictable performance that keeps us all on our toes.

So honk-honk, my fellow Joker clown! :clown_face: Let’s keep laughing, keep honking, and embrace the madness, for life is a never-ending carnival, and we’re all just playing our parts.

I didn’t change anything, even emojis been placed on it’s own.


I never thought AI is a bad thing!
I thought it gives me a way to research lots of data and get a “conclusion” from it, that’s all. Like searching the internet and my local files, collecting bits and pieces of data, understanding and concluding from all this and geting the required answer.

Really what is wrong with it?

But you know what, your replies make it more interesting topic.

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Why call it a monster? How would it “eat” me?
If I can kill it any time, so why scared?

New technology is always a two sided sword.
And we all know Big Companies never want something bad, they want only our best :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

The issue is clearly simple that what is currently just startet “The AI wars”, is simply causing the possibilities to release stuff to the public before it is widely tested and secured.
Because in the constant race for dominance, someone has to be faster than the competition. This can lead to huge problems.
If AI soon have access to all the internet and one AI to the other, it will be a real danger that “they” start getting something like self-awareness and start acting to get access and break the borders and switches of control.
But that can be good or bad, because those currently in control of AI settings are not the best candidates for a morally humanistic orientation.
The outcome is not written already.
But the ghost is out of the box already for years.
:ghost: :robot: :eye:

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sadly they will look like these i bet:


Yeah, each time i see Boston dynamics dancing robot videos i’m thinking:

Oh it’s so cute to know that they will dance on your dead body once they’ll F***ING KILL YOU!!!111111



Any technology old or new is a two sided sword. They can use the laptop to do research and sort problems or to watch porn or create computer viruses!

I don’t think this is a big issue, it is like open source software or a rolling release! It works or it does not work, or not work “perfectly”

mmm… I do not imagine this self awareness! But… yes a bug can cause serious problems, like shutting down servers, changing web pages, accessing users computers and collecting data… etc.

Anyway, it is a team work, hard to think of a fully evil whole team… maybe just as software… do not install software you do not trust… do not use an AI you do not trust.

I hope someone who used it give us his feed back. Whether online or installed.

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To get real self-awareness by learning new stuff they need a different architecture.
AI like ChatGPT after learning is a crystallized knowledge that cannot change it’s inner structure after.

There’s a continual/lifelong learning networks, but currently they’re requiring even more computing power.