After nvidia installation system wont reboot

[sudo] password for mattia: 
ERROR:root:Can't open /tmp/nvidia-installer.log : [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/tmp/nvidia-installer.log'                                                                     
INFO:root:EndeavourOS Nvidia Installer v3
2020-05-16 18:23:55 [INFO]: EndeavourOS Nvidia Installer v3
INFO:root:All logs will be stored in /tmp/nvidia-installer.log
2020-05-16 18:23:55 [INFO]: All logs will be stored in /tmp/nvidia-installer.log
INFO:root:Updating Nvidia graphics cards database...
2020-05-16 18:23:55 [INFO]: Updating Nvidia graphics cards database...
Fetching NVIDIA graphics card ids from ...
Adding NVIDIA graphics card ids to the local database.
INFO:root:Installing bumblebee driver...
2020-05-16 18:23:57 [INFO]: Installing bumblebee driver...
INFO:root:Removing conflicting packages...
2020-05-16 18:23:57 [INFO]: Removing conflicting packages...
INFO:root:Downloading and installing driver packages, please wait as this may take a few minutes...
2020-05-16 18:23:57 [INFO]: Downloading and installing driver packages, please wait as this may take a few minutes...
INFO:root:Adding user mattia to bumblebee group...
2020-05-16 18:24:14 [INFO]: Adding user mattia to bumblebee group...
INFO:root:gpasswd -a mattia bumblebee
2020-05-16 18:24:14 [INFO]: gpasswd -a mattia bumblebee
INFO:root:Adding user mattia to video group...
2020-05-16 18:24:14 [INFO]: Adding user mattia to video group...
INFO:root:gpasswd -a mattia video
2020-05-16 18:24:14 [INFO]: gpasswd -a mattia video
INFO:root:Enabling bumblebeed.service service...
2020-05-16 18:24:14 [INFO]: Enabling bumblebeed.service service...
INFO:root:systemctl enable bumblebeed.service
2020-05-16 18:24:14 [INFO]: systemctl enable bumblebeed.service
INFO:root:Patching /usr/share/applications/nvidia-settings.desktop...
2020-05-16 18:24:14 [INFO]: Patching /usr/share/applications/nvidia-settings.desktop...
INFO:root:/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf not found. That's ok.
2020-05-16 18:24:14 [INFO]: /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf not found. That's ok.
INFO:root:Installation finished. You need to reboot now!
2020-05-16 18:24:14 [INFO]: Installation finished. You need to reboot now!
[mattia@mattia-alienwarem15r2 ~]$


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ok last time it wouldent reboot
see you on the over side!

Now its a black screen with

Starting version 245.5-2-arch
/dev/nvume0n1p2: clean, 214111/15613952 files, 3244082/62435619 blocks

Okay so it installed properly so i think there needs to be a kernel parameter to blacklist one of the modules. I’m going to have to let @manuel jump in here? Or @joekamprad

I know it’s installed properly as shown by the install test and installer output. So i will let someone with more knowledge on these hybrid graphics give you the rest of the solution. My experience is more with single desktop cards. You can try editing the grub menu and add blacklisting to the kernel parameters and see and then it would need to be added permanently in the configuration. I think you have to blacklist nouveau and or both nouveau and nvidia? These hybrid chips are tricky.

Ok… i will try

If you go to trouble shooting at the bottom of the page here:
It shows how to blacklist nouveau and nvidia so you could try one and then both.

Also you said this laptop is optimus capable but we haven’t gotten there yet.

To try blacklicting nouveau, at the boot menu you could press key e.

Then you’ll get a new screen with some grub lines. One of the lines starts with word linux. Move your cursor with arrow keys in the end of that line.
Then write: modprobe.blacklist=nouveau to that line.
Then you need to boot, check from the help on the screen how to continue (probably key F10).

(Sorry if there are any mistakes in the above instructions, I’m writing this without my usual armory… :wink: )


Should i space it or write it at the end?
The line that starts with Linux has writtten

Linux /boot/vmlinuz-linux root=uuid=fe0b4757-e9c9-4723-8e86-e337ee17f51a Rwanda Qui/

After a space on the same line write the blacklist stuff.

I get the same screen as last time

Could you show the output of terminal command:

  lspci -k | grep -PA3 "VGA|3D|Display"
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Should I reinstall endeavor?

Only if you suspect there was something bad with the way you installed it…
Some hardware simply can be harder to make work.

Emm i meant right now i have a black screen and how to I enter the system to input the command

On some devices you need to blacklist both drivers nouveau and nvidia on boot as it can bee that it loads nouveau driver included inside the kernel itself, and nvidia as it can bee that it loads nvidia driver but needs to boot on intel…

to check if it is 100% sure a hybrid optimus card set:

lspci -vnn | grep '\''[030[02]\]'

On NVIDIA Optimus two output lines look like:

00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:0a16] (rev 09) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])


01:00.0 3D controller [0302]: NVIDIA Corporation GK107M [GeForce GT 750M] [10de:0fe4] (rev ff) (prog-if ff)

The first line starts with 00:02.0 . It corresponds to Intel GPU.

The second line starts with 01:00.0 . It corresponds to Nvidia GPU.

you can boot without starting X by putting this at boot kernel line:
put right after rw

and if you are still on black screen try keycombo:

[Ctrl+Alt+F2] to get into TTY2 where you may can login to CLI…

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Usually reinstalling the OS or packages is not the way to solve problems when you’re using Linux. It can be the faster way sometimes, but it minimizes your learning experience. I normally would only tell people to do that, if they’re stuck with an unbootable system (even no access to a basic terminal). In your case it should be possible to get to basic terminal by switching from you graphical display to a basic terminal using <Strg>+<Alt>+<Fn6> (an example; you could also choose another function key except Fn1 (graphical display where you DE is shown which is not working now)). Then you can login with username and password and remove the installed nvidia driver and reboot.
Then we could have a closer look.
Or you can choose the route @joekamprad suggested, which is booting into runlevel 3 (at least that was the old name). You can also achieve that by adding init 3 or simply 3 at the end of the line in grub.

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Ok i will try

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