Add application to deepin launcher

I installed pycharm with the terminal but I can’t find it in the deepin launcher how can I add it there ?

Welcome Manamino1 !
I just installed pycharm community edition, to see what the issue is, but had no issue; it appeared in my menu. Did you use

yay -S pycharm-community-edition

An easy way of adding/deleting/checking menu entries is to install alacarte.

I agree with you! That’s what I did

So is it there for you now?
BTW I have attached a screenshot of my alacarte. Screenshot from 2020-05-09 22-53-03

So a quick check at your terminal by doing

ls -la /usr/bin/pycharm

should verify it’s existence or not.

Thank you for replying! At first I installed it from their website but now I installed it using yay

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