I’ve been using EOS for around a year so I wouldn’t say I’m a newbie but I’ve made a newbie mistake:
I was trying to delete the contents of ~/.local/share/icons as I’d extracted a folder there that I no longer wanted.
I accidentally deleted ~/.local/share/ because I was not paying attention (please minimize roasting, I understand the gravity of sudo rm -r and run pure arch on another laptop, I’m just an impulsive idiot):
sudo rm -r ~/.local/share/*
From what I know and have read there is no way to recover from this; however, I cannot access any application from my desktop including Konsole (!). These are the notifications I am receiving:
I can’t access konsole because ‘You are not authorized to execute this file’ – which is most of the problem. ~/.local/share itself was not deleted, just all of the contents. Obviously, I was using konsole when this happened so I know that much but I closed konsole (poor decision) and cannot reopen. And, yes, I’ve restarted a few times.
I suspect that you might have run sudo or a GUI application as root that had changed the ownership of some files and/or folders under your home directory.
Everything under home should belong to your user therefore no need to do things with sudo in there.
Yes I can get into tty – ~/.local/share/ exists and contains some new files. When I closed konsole last night, it contained only kwalletd (despite running sudo rm -r ~/.local/share/*). It now contains:
I opened user-places.xbel and noticed triple-slash paths (which I’ve never seen before?). I thought this might be the issue but I rather ask you all before editing…
If your config is still messed up, I would suggest you can create a new user, then login the new user, then copy your data and some configs from the old user to the new user. That would be faster than fix the old user.
yeah I did that yesterday and none of the recommendations solved the weird inability to open the applications from my desktop…but, I was able to access the application launcher, and from there, it did let me open the add/remove software window. I just reinstalled everything kde / plasma related and it did fix that problem. Unfortunately, something I updated or reinstalled knocked me off wifi so I need to figure that out today lol