Ableton Live 10 working awesome in Wine

There’s also kinda live’ish Bitwig studio native, as well as Reaper and Renoise :upside_down_face:

VST compatibility so far is pretty good, i’ll PM you something now which may give you some idea

btw, if you want a stable studio - i’d advise you to use portable non-system WINEPREFIX (you can copy and use existing one in the end) with non-system WINE engine, to know how check out that guide (1-3).

Latest Wine != always greatest, it gives you flexibility to independently choose engine in case update for next Wine in Arch is breaking something :upside_down_face:

This way you’ll get full control on your studio and can copy it to another system easily :wink:

Overall Linux is very ready for pro-audio, so have fun :partying_face:

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