A warm December embrace for you

It’s that time of year again—the time to get together with loved ones and to reflect.

It’s no big secret that I’m a sucker for this time of year. Walking through the streets with the warm glow of the fairy lights outside and the houses you pass, welcoming you like a warm hug despite the rain and cold on your face. Of course, that’s my experience of living in the northern hemisphere, but you get the idea. There is something about that strong and exciting sense of closure and new beginnings that hangs in the air.

It is the sense of closure that gives us the urge to be with loved ones, but it is the latter that causes problems for many people. Especially as media and social expectations reinforce the feeling.

I’m telling you, don’t feel you’re missing out on it! Because it is impossible to measure yourself against the image of warmth and comfort on steroids that the media bombards you with at this time of year, believe me, no one on the planet can. Just push those images aside and when you do you will discover the true meaning of this feeling. Just take the time to reflect on the past year and focus on the seemingly small gestures you have encountered. It could be a smile from a stranger or someone who helped you pick up a tin can that was rolling in the street when your shopping bag fell on the pavement while you were looking for your keys in the wrong pocket of your coat. Or the friendly neighbour or colleague you often chat to in passing, but have never asked for a coffee or a pint to extend the conversation. I know I’m stating the obvious here, but in our busy lives, we tend to overlook these snapshots of gratitude and take them for granted. Just take those moments and you’ll discover that you’re not alone 100% of the time.

There is one place where I can say with certainty that you will never feel alone and that is our Endeavour community. Whether on Telegram or the forums, there is a constant exchange of kindness, fun and helpfulness 365 days a year. In the spirit of the season, each of you is a beacon in an endless string of lights in my books. For more than five years, this behaviour has never ceased to amaze the team and me. The effortless help and extra bonuses in the form of freely created wallpapers and financial contributions are powerful signs that the world can be a better place.

I never get tired of saying it, but EndeavourOS is moving forward with pride and strength because of you. Thank you for creating this incredible place of kindness, love and respect for everyone who makes the Endeavour or Arch journey. Let’s keep that strong string of fairy lights shining its purple glow until 2025 and beyond.

And maybe if you invite that friendly neighbour or colleague I mentioned earlier for a coffee or a pint, who knows what might happen?

Have a wonderful time everyone!


Merry Christmas Endeavournaughts


In the spirit of ‘Whatever you celebrate’, Happy Holidays (if you have any upcoming ones). Otherwise happy end of the year and all that jazz. It’s only a bit over one week till the end of 2024.


Happy Holidays and new year! To all in this amazing community! :enos_flag: :enos:

And may the EndeavourOS(and Arch, Linux) go on for ever! :penguin: :heart:


:christmas_tree: :enos: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all! :enos::christmas_tree:


i hope we grow this empire bigger by the end of 2025, anyways Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Ho Ho Ho :enos_flag: :enos_flag: :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree:


I find that the easiest way to get “into the spirit” is by helping others.

It doesnt have to be something requiring hours of time, like volunteering at a shelter or food drive, it can be something that requires seconds:

  • helping someone with the door
  • helping someone carry something
  • letting a person in line in front of you
  • asking a person in need what you can do

Happy Holidays everyone and wishing and hoping you all a great new year. If like me in the past struggle with this time of year reach out to community centres/other services and friends, you’d be surprised just how many others there are and the services and support you’ll get.


Have a wonderful time Endeavournaughts :christmas_tree: :rocketa_purple:


I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and later a happy new Year. :penguin_face: :enos_flag::christmas_tree:


Merry Christmas to everyone. Wish you some stressfree days.


A merry Christmas or happy what you celebrate to everyone


Merry Christmas :tada:


Happy holidays to all of you!


I wish everyone a great Christmas and upcoming new year.


Happy Holidays, and Merry Christmas everyone! :vulcan_salute: :partying_face: :family_man_woman_girl_boy:


Thank You @Bryanpwo for the wonderful words of encouragement, happiness and reflections of the time spent here on EndeavourOS in the past 5+ years. I wish you and all of the devs a warm embrace as we endeavour to bring a new chapter into 2025. I also wish all of the community the best over the Holiday’s as we enter a new universe in time. Good luck and godspeed!

“To Infinity & Beyond” :rocketa_purple: :enos: :enos_flag:


A relaxing, contemplative end of the year to everyone, use the time of peace to go within yourself, remember, question your paths, hug your loved ones, give love and respect.


Slow baking cookies on the keyboard? :grinning:


accept the cookies :wink: