I honestly can’t recall if I’ve ever seen one, I think when the one happened last year and it wasn’t viewable from the side of Australia I’m on
I’m so jealous right now
it was a bust in my neck/woods as well. Hippie wife still thinks dramatic changes are coming after eclipse, but so I told myself ‘please let it be money.’
I hope there are some cool images taken of those rockets I just saw them show too, that would make a really nice wallpaper
We were battling on and off clouds here in Austin, TX. Here is a photo prior to totality. But we did get about 30 seconds of seeing the corona so that was pretty dang neat. We just sat on our back deck and cracked open a specialty beer for the occasion
Nice, would have been a nice time
I was just glad I was able to see anything with the cloud forecast. But a great way to spend a Monday afternoon
Man sees the beautiful night sky and curses at it.
I miss seeing the majority of stars in the sky, I live way too close to the city these days
I live in the suburbs, so I just need to go up to my roof. I mean, I don’t… But I could.
Yer where I grew up we had a great view of the night sky, used to lay on the trampoline with my brothers and sisters and look for satellites. We also had a great view of the local RAAF base from the roof and used to climb up on it to watch them take off, the only downside was the entire house shook when they flew over in the F1-11s
Good times. Simpler times.
For sure, I honestly feel sorry for kids these days who miss out on this sort of fun
Nice, I haven’t had a look at all yet, having a bit relaxing night tonight and just waiting for a friend to come around now before we head up Mt Coot tha