March 03, 2022. I’ve been through a dozen linux distributions this year… My holy grail: a distribution that can run glitch-free on my goofy ASUS TUF A15. This weeks’ winner – and I’m hoping for a long-term relationship – is endeavorOS. Installed Feb. 27. FIve days. So far, so good.
Although I have tried to keep a log to capture the different flavours of linux; noting their strengths and weaknesses as I’ve worked through them, I haven’t been dilligent. I have identified, researched and trouble-shot so many different tech issues with this cursed Laptop (cutting-edge Nvidia chips and perhaps some dodgy welds on the motherboard?) that most of the time I can’t remember which technical issue undid which distribution.
Although I am going to give my best shot to contribute, I will, no doubt, be addressing issues that may have been already talked to death on this forum. I ask in advance to please forgive if this happens. If this is tuesday, I must be in Manjaro linux… Stuff happens. I pledge to always start with a key-word search through the forum archives and general google searchs, but that, in the past, has not always produced a result for me. More than once, after posting a forum question, I have been bruesquely pointed in the direction of a pre-existing well-hashed discorse on technobable of the day – easily discovered with just the right search phrase. My bad.
Much of my difficulty with Linux comes from things moving on from earlier times when I had invested time in effort to learn it. For example, I was extremely proud of my Linux gateway built on Red Hat back sometime in the late 1990s. A few years later, I build a multimedia PVR. Times change. Many of my old notes are no longer useful. For example, my chicken-scratch on ‘locate’ is only somewhat relevant to the new mlocate or plocate.