Yay not working since updating

Screenshot from 2021-06-02 21-45-47

updated yay yesterday, since then it’s showing me this
i tried reinstalling but the problem still persists

There are a lot of topics on this issue already.

If you are using yay from EndeavourOS, you need to update using pacman and that should bring in the newest version of yay.

If you are using yay-bin or a different arch-based distro, you need to rebuild the AUR package manually.


This may help in that :point_up_2: case.
Rebuild yay.

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And just to tack on one more. I uninstalled yay first prior to the rebuild. I don’t know if it was necessary, it just felt cleaner.

After you rebuild it, you can rm /yay build files and it will continue to work and update as it Always had (again this is if you’re on Arch/other Arched based distros - this is NOT true for EOS specifically)