Would He Ever Be Happy with Any Distro?

I deleted it, but of course you are already aware of it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Here another one


Edit: woah, just woah. Btw just making fun of YouTube here not specific personalities. :hugs:


Really? Dnf is pretty great and wasn’t noticeability slower than Pacman IMO. Though I did make a few tweaks to its configuration

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To me on same hardware it was slower, dnf is much better than apt, but pacman is as fast as it can be :yum:

I think the problem with a lot of YouTube reviews for Distros is obviously the incentive to try and make $ as a youtuber. This means many smaller ones will weight towards volume of content vs highest quality content.

If someone was to genuinely review Distros it would be a long, tedious, and labor of love process that is as a hobby vs really making a living with it (at least in the beginning)


And let’s not forget, all those cover soy faces, which supposedly “BREAKING THE ALGORITHM BRUH!!1111”


P.S. I wonder if they’re really getting any more money for doing that face :rofl:

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It seemed slower to me the first time I tried it, but it seems faster over the last few times that I’ve tried Fedora. Granted, it was all through VirtualBox, but that’s how I test drive most distros.

It’s not that it is unheard of that dnf is slow. Here apparently a benchmark but don’t know how reliable the source is. Seems dnf is fetching more packages. So perhaps that explains it.

I tried it on very slow internet, perhaps it becomes more apparent then when comparing with other package managers. That was in 2020/2021 when I tried, and it was clearly slower and bothering me. Else I wouldn’t have noticed. Perhaps it improved by now.

Edit: don’t know about other aspects besides downloads, like installation, updates etc.

Ok now I guess we can create a new thread/topic about why is fedora so popular. :rofl:

So here a video reacting to another video


This Kent guy is good at reacting to/making fun of others. I like his content. He likes :enos: too!!


I never had such a thought, unless I am installing, say, 100 or more packages.


:speaking_head: :mega: FINALLY! the perfect Linux Distro

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He should rather go out into the air for a while, so that his mommy finally has the opportunity to re-cover his bed …


I just reinstalled every package on my system. Nott to test how long it will take, because I ran out of disk space while updating a few times and came across some errors so I want to be on the safe side.

3 min 51 sec total time, (excluding download) with 1 min spent for DKMS rebuild. i5-11400, Samsung MZVL2512HCJQ-00B00 SSD. Not bad, considering I reinstalled everything. (1902 pkg, 17197 MiB)

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Just Youtubers doing what Youtubers do. There’s a lot of crappy content out there but a lot of good content too. Sometimes even from the same people. Wheat from the chaff is all.


I love is crude reaction :joy:

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If only they would change their underwear so quickly. Are determined partly all long-term - bachelors.
I don’t take these wrynecks seriously anymore.
They usually have to, or want to, place their paid advertising. The redhead with a beard is IMHO the worst. The Dane and the Overweight, on the other hand, also occasionally make good contributions, or relatively useful stuff.

There’s a Youtuber who calls himself ‘Sunday OS’ and who makes really good videos IMO.
However in German.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrIlSihlG-4

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From this thread’s discussion:

controversies = hot topics = topic of discussion = more views
(I’m not against any you-tuber or distro)

“The aim of marketing is to know and understand our customers so well that the product or service fits them and sells itself.” - Radhakrishnan Pillai, Corporate Chanakya

Well, I think sometimes you can apply the same principle as reverse psychology.


Thanks for the link @Quinix , did you catch anything about what happened to unix.eu? That was IMHO the only one that had made really useful videos in German.

Meinst du den aus Bayern, mit Bart, Brille und zeitweise Glatze, der auch paar nützliche Handbücher veröffentlicht hatte ?
Ich glaube sein Name ist Nick ?
Wenn du den meinst, leider kommt da nichts mehr. Ich vermisse Ihn auch etwas. Netter und engagierter Kerl mit Know-How.
Denkbar dass er vielleicht aufgrund der hiesigen Zustände, also Corona und so weiter, viel mit sich selber zu tun hat. Hoffentlich gehts ihm gut. Sein letztes Video ist schon recht alt.

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