Why is it so difficult to install an OS on an ARM system, and when do you think ARM will "take over" x86

nvidia wil have a platform to improve there own arm like so that saves a lot loney… but at this rate ARM would be more a like for the phones or a hobbyist or a pro kinda system. cannot replace x86… you have to build many kernels for each arm device… for company’s that supports somemodels with that type model architecture of there own they build to it and X models get supported… but for low budget arm platforms there is no money for it… they build support to it but building a os and install for only that system is also caustly…you can make a compatible system for arm general but probably miss lot support or some uncontrollable system… unless er something comes like uArm , like universal Arm i dont think it can replace it… because general manufactorer want to build is for consumers market…a hobby market is a side niche :slight_smile:

ARM is never going to replace X86 unless every computing device on earth is switched to ARM - and that will take a looooong time to happen

They aren’t going to replace x86 but their goal was to have more than 10%of the desktop market from Intel by 2023. Now that Nvidia owns them the focus has changed I’m sure. The next 5 years is going to be interesting to see what happens in the cpu market. I see 5 nanometer, more AMD, some more ARM and maybe Intel will come up with something to improve their design and deal with a lot of the security issues their processors have.