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Remove tracking parameters from URLs (Firefox)

Firefox 96+ can remove tracking parameters from URLs when changing the top-level domain. For links within the same top-level domain, the parameters are not removed to avoid problems. This prevents cross-website tracking.

The feature is enabled with the following setting under “about:config”:

privacy.query_stripping.enabled = true

You also need to specify a list of parameters that should be removed. The following list of unique tracking IDs is used by Brave Browser and Librewolf:

privacy.query_stripping.strip_list = __hsfp __hssc __hstc __s _hsenc _openstat dclid fbclid gbraid gclid hsCtaTracking igshid mc_eid ml_subscriber ml_subscriber_hash msclkid oly_anon_id oly_enc_id rb_clickid s_cid twclid vero_conv vero_id wbraid wickedid yclid