Whats on your clipboard right now?

just paste your clipboard as press reply…!

What’s on yours?


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Very uninformative:

echo $(( ($DIRSIZE*1000/$ROOTSIZE+5)/10 ))  > drv-pct

…just some bash contortions to get an approximate percentage…

It’s empty… Why? Because I use this:

qdbus org.kde.klipper /klipper org.kde.klipper.klipper.clearClipboardHistory

Now it’s not empty any more, because I copied that…

Aaaand it’s empty again :frog:




Let me try what this does.

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# Script to display desktop name/number - requires dzen2 #
[ ! -f "/usr/bin/dzen2" ] && exit || echo "Dzen2 exists"

# Display Variables:
wid=$((hgt*500/100)) # e.g. 3.5 times the height, will display the words 'Three' &  'Seven' correctly.

# Screen Resolution calculations:
full_res=$(xdotool getdisplaygeometry)
res_wid=${full_res% *}
res_hgt=${full_res#* }

# Do some calculations for x & y co-ordinates:
x=$((a=res_wid-wid, xx=a/2))
y=$((b=res_hgt-hgt-2, yy=b/2))

Deskname=$(bspc query -D -d focused --names)

# Display desktop number centre screen:
echo "$Deskname" | dzen2 -fg $fgcolour -bg $bgcolour -w $wid -x $x -y $y -p $time -fn $font

A script I was editing (added the code tags, because it doesn’t render well in Markdown).

If we have people here completely new to Linux, please don’t try this dangerous command.

A much safer command is:

 firefox https://endeavouros.com/donate/

because it keeps you going. :wink: :smile: :rocket:


I was recommending someone a show. No funky commands or scripts here, sorry. :<

What about buying US0846701086 stocks?

I almost just posted one of my passwords lol
It was a copied password from bitwarden

Does bitwarden have an option to clear passwords from the clipboard automatically after a certain number of seconds? Have you enabled this option?


PROTON_LOG=1 %command%

Too bad that Elder Scrolls Online doesn’t run for me, althrough ProtonDB insists it should. Was looking up the documented issues in the Proton Github repo.

i yse steam and proton 5.13 works perfectly for linux kernel 5 and above

nothing, it seems o.o’
i’ve just been doing password stuff, and my keepassxc deletes my clipboard after 10 secconds. Sorry to disappoint

almost got you! :grin:

Live at La Gaîté Lyrique: Paris

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That’s what I am reading as well, however, when I start the game from the launcher, the intro movies play, and at the screen where it says Server and Login and Options, the whole screen in intangible, I cannot click or choose anything. Something fishy is going on there.

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