What is your take on Manjaro launching there own hardware?

hardware look ok for price. that it :innocent:

Holy moly, you really been heavy into the purple cool aid, (or are you a major shareholder there) :wink:


Woot? that was one of the great things about Windows. I was so glad when Linux DEs caught on and introduced that feature.

Now it’s not there. I think windows is going backward.

Firstly, note that you specifically asked this question:

This makes your reaction here quite strange:

That’s a quote from a Phosh developer. How can that possibly be “FUD” unless you’re heavily invested in Manjaro and don’t want to see any criticism from anyone at all ever?

Because that’s not what they’re doing, and that’s what the Phosh developer is criticising. Merging WIP code to release features “first” and therefore creating invalid bug reports as a result is specifically what they are criticising.

The article linked on the HN story that contains the quote is another person’s take on how Pine is releasing hardware to the “community” and their funding model, but I guess that’s only relevant if you’re interested in someone’s “take on Manjaro launching there [sic] own hardware”. Or… is that FUD? :thinking: