What games are you playing?

You probably still did better than me, I suck playing any game vs people. Vs computer easy, they are predictable, people not so much

not really. I have been playing Counter Strike for a long time. I remember being 4-5 years old and playing Counter Strike 1.6 because my brother was away from home and I saw him play it.

When I was 4-5 I was playing Catacomb or Hovercraft on dos lol

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Never heard of those games, to be honest. Perhaps I should search them up.

They are pretty old, I’ll see if I can find them now and send you a link. I remember the last time I looked up catacomb a few different ones showed up

Couldn’t find hovercraft (it may have been named something else but this was what I had to type to launch it) but here is a link to Catacomb https://www.dosgamesarchive.com/download/catacomb

Oh snap! I saw this game in a video I saw recently! It looked cool and I wanted to try it out sometime. Perhaps I will try it out today!


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It was the bomb back in the day, need a num pad to play properly from memory (me thinking back 30 odd years lol)
If I find hovercraft I’ll link it too

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Stellaris is epic. And the soundtrack :drooling_face:
I used to think Sins of a Solar Empire was big… well… Stellaris moved in.

I’ve been playing Kingdom Two Crowns (speaking of great soundtracks). It has elements of tower defence, strategy, survival, discovery, etc.

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Apparently it is possible to beat this game in a number of hours, although in my case it took a few days. It gets a little weird toward the end there, but it’s a pretty fun little game! :paperclips:

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I know the characters look a bit lewd, but the game is really, really good and engaging.

Looks very promising. I think I have to put Stellaris on my wishlist.

At the moment I’m playing this one, but that will be done soon:


Hades 2


I have been playing All Orcs Must Die 3

Platinum status with Steam/Proton. Amazing Game :slight_smile: :ninja:


Loving it so far, sort of like a choose your own adventure /tactical combat game

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At the moment i’ve been more trying to make games than play them (ue5 is really good, if you’re interested just install it and start messing around, it’s fun! Or godot if u do not need working 3D IK (it only has working IK for 2D games rn)), well, no i still play them, not sure if i should name the one i played last though :thinking: it just wouldn’t be polite.

Though the last normal game i played was sons of the forest, it’s probably the best unity game i ever played, graphics and performance wise.

The last game i got truly lost in though was project 1999 (classic everquest).

Man of culture spotteed!

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I was just recommending oddysee to a friend like 20 minutes ago! what a coincidence. I’ve only really heard bad things about Soulstorm, is it really good?

Proton can be used to run any game outside of steam in Lutris. Lutris utilizes the umu-launcher internally to accomplish this. Umu-launcher is not a launcher but a cli tool aimed to allow the use of Proton outside of steam to allow for a more streamlined experience.

Create a steam account, download and install these 3 versions of Proton (Proton6, Proton7 and Proton9)through steam. Note the path of Proton files. Take a backup of those files (folders) in that path. Uninstall steam. Put the files back in their original path/folder.

Now Lutris should be able to see those Proton versions and should be able to use them with any game you want.