I finally beat Breath of the Wild (on Yuzu) after 120 hours. Man this game is something special. After my initial disappointment, I am at a point now, where it could be my favorite Zelda game. There is so much to say, so much has been said in last 7 years. For many its an old game. Here is a random screenshot capturing a lighting:
The game even records the last 200 hours of footsteps (with replay functionality, at least on the map, don’t look at it if you don’t want any spoilers):
Technically I don’t think they’re available on PC yet (I don’t even know how people get them to play before they’re released), but Vindictus: Defying Fate and Stellar Blade are the 2 games I’d play today if I could.
It seems Dark Souls and Starfield style. Has anyone been able to play it?
I hope they are compatible with Protón, Lutris or Heroic on my EOS. Although I don’t think I can play these 2 games with my 1050 ti…
Undecember is the game I’m playing most often right now. Free to play, pay-to-win if you don’t want to grind yourself to death for XP. But up until about level 60 it’s a lot of fun.
Yeah, my PC can run it, but it’s absolutely struggling and it got worse in Linux. In the meantime, the other title I mentioned should be playable for a wider range of PC configuration.
that reminded me, I never actually finished Wasteland 2, the UI is just… makes me mad… Wasteland 3 UI improvement is just phenomenal compared to W2 imo, but I need to finish this game sometime soon.
Well, I saw the “making off” of Vindictus and Stellar Blade (I don’t remember if on YouTube or Twitter), and in both they used 2 of the most beautiful model girls I’ve ever seen, for motion capture and 3D scanning. So I understand you.
Every 3-5 years, I get the urge to play a game. Usually Medieval II Total War, or Crusader Kings II or III. Get completely absorbed for a few weeks or months, and turn the desk into a command centre, with notes, maps and plans. Love it.
But now Stellaris is calling me. I can only hope for a rainy summer.