Forget his name. Think it started with a C.
Curly c or kicking c?
Maybe Kresimir kroaked ? (I hope not)
He’s still a live, he moved to another lily pad.
Is in another pond!
Most froggable post in this forum. Which says quite something!
AFAIK, Kresimir was banned here. I am not a fan of banning people but I think this happened.
Not sure what you mean.
We may not have resolved the OP’s extremely vague question, but at least we have proved that Kresimir is drumroll… unfrogettable
The main thing is that he didn’t jump over the highway…
I still mourn the loss of our resident and
They certainly kept us hopping (in an amused manner).
Says on their profile. I will be honest, I didn’t like the guy much. He clearly knew a lot, but he often came out as an jerk. I wish him the best, but man, he was a handful.
I’m a handful too I probably come off as a jerk (and I probably am) sometimes.
I do mean to help (most of the time at least), however, my style of help is often, point them in a direction and let them work for the rest.
Hah, probably a lot like ‘give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach him to fish and he will eat for a lifetime’ or that’s what I hope.
I have went through a lot of the older posts previously but I assume the clown poster is Keybreak as they were banned on the same day as Kresimir and they posted a lot of clown based animations.
Either way this is before I joined so I don’t have any involvement of back then and only looked through old threads in the past 8 months or so. What I can say is before I joined the forums and early on, I found both their posts useful for learning.
Sadly it was behaviour which absolutely pushed some people away from the forums, and potentially from Linux as a whole. It doesn’t cost much to be kind. I think the net sum, is in fact, zero.