Welcome app EOS Mirrors error updating

Hi friends.

I updated the Arch mirrors today without any problems (first button on the screenshot), but when I tried to update the EOS mirrors (second button on the screenshot), I got this error.

I usually update both mirrors after doing “yay”, every 2 weeks, but today this error appeared.

I had a similar error months ago and several of you solved the problem, but I think this error is different.

Thanks in advance.

  Host: eos Kernel: 6.10.10-arch1-1 arch: x86_64 bits: 64
  Desktop: KDE Plasma v: 6.1.5 Distro: EndeavourOS


That isn’t really an error. It is just a warning.

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Oh, I see, thanks!

Normally when I update this mirror, it first does a full scan of all mirrors and sorts them (or something like that), and then it always asks me to type in the password and press Enter to close the window.

This time it didn’t do any of that and just showed that error, which is why I was worried.

But maybe it’s because they’ve updated it and now it works like that.