Warning when updating mkinitcpio 29-1

It looks like line 63 has been customised at some point to set the initramfs compression to xz format.

How you merge that is up to you.

I’ve just set it to zstd then regenerated my initramfs with mkinitcpio -P. It might have been a bad idea to do it for all kernels at the same time, but I have a USB with the Arch installer iso prepared so I can chroot in and fix it if it breaks… :man_shrugging:

Just for info, my super-crafty graphical pacdiff wrapper:

set -euo pipefail
export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin

for i in $(/usr/bin/pacdiff --output); do
	echo "Merging $i ..."
	/usr/bin/meld "admin://$i" "admin://${i/.pacnew/}";

This is pretty cool in that it runs meld against the GVFS admin:// location so bypasses any issues running a GUI application as root.

I run it from a terminal, then once I’m done I can remove any pacnew which were listed in the terminal.