[Warning] Pamac-aur-git update on February 9th, 2020


Like in this thread, I switched pamac-aur-git to development version.

Use it with caution!


This seems to have broken Pamac for me. All operations (upgrade, install or remove) get hung up at the step “Checking inter-dependencies.” It doesn’t matter what the operation is or what package I am targeting, Pamac won’t go past that step. I reverted to the previous version and all works well again.

This is a development version. Breakage are happening. It is as simple as this.

Yes, I understand, just letting you know there have been some issues. Not sure if you have received any official bug reports yet. So that the Bugman can squash the bugs!

Ok. I will see if there is a bug already opened.

Pamac 9.4.0rc is out. PKGBUILD switched back to master branch.

See https://gitlab.manjaro.org/applications/pamac/commit/48380d45f4d94bb9500d3b821c509e007024a673

So, closing this thread :slight_smile: