Warning: os-prober will not be executed to detect other bootable partitions. Systems on them will not be added to the GRUB boot configuration. Check GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER documentation entry

Since i dual boot, I will use it.

Edit: also, having Secure Boot disabled kind of renders all these issues irrelevant anyway.

Edit again: The last email is very… telling for the Linux community. I have said it before, there are issues like this that makes most people disregard Linux as a serious alternative. The fact that some maintainer simply decides that all the major distros can “backport 200 patches” to make things work only proves to non-hobbyists that Linux isn’t worthy to be considered ready for everyday use.
Basically it is a clear example why 2021, just like all the years before it, will NOT be the year of the linux desktop but Linux will continue to be a hobby project losing users to Chrome OS…


Just use rEFInd on dual boot then.

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if you are on testing repo and using 5.12 by doing a generic update with testing repo active you will run into this issue on arch and it’s derivatives using upstream grub.

i’m so glad we all had this conversation. i think we all got something useful out of it. what a shame the conversation will end two days after the last reply because my chats are clearly marked as less desirable than others… oh well.


oh, Lizzi, the thread will close in two days because you have already marked a post as solution. All threads with a solution automatically close two days after the last reply. If you like, we can keep this thread going, but we’ll have to move into the lounge if at some point we run out of things to say and veer into other interesting domains, like weather and what not.

you are not being singled out and you are not less desirable in this community. in fact you are welcome and you give colour to it. so if you still have some PC with a clandestine EOS install on it no one will mind, and no one will tell, it’ll be a secret :wink: either way you are just as welcome


so the changes are not in the main repo now… and will reach soon


Well, I added the line just in case.


they are in Manjaro for about a month now.

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seems legit in testing it happens, but is still not reaching the default archrepos …


Well. ok then. TY <3 but dont tell anyone shh!!


If it’s in testing though how long can it stay there i mean?

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It depends on the testing results. Many packages stay at testing for a few days before coming to stable repos.

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