Wait until kernel time synchronized

Okay that’s great maybe have a look at

systemd-analyze blame

systemctl status systemd-time-wait-sync
if this shows enabled … disable it it is not needed anymore …

systemctl disable systemd-time-wait-sync

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Isn’t this what detect system issues is supposed to do?

seems to be removed… @manuel could know this?


Wait Until Kernel Time Synchronized

It is not removed from the issue detection button.
I tested it and it works as expected.

then please show:
systemctl status systemd-time-wait-sync

╭─joekamprad@empowered64 ~  
╰─$ systemctl status systemd-time-wait-sync
● systemd-time-wait-sync.service - Wait Until Kernel Time Synchronized
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-time-wait-sync.service; disabled; vendor preset: di>
     Active: inactive (dead)
       Docs: man:systemd-time-wait-sync.service(8)

Why did my instructions not work ?

I have the same output.
Is the time service incorrect? There are other time related services too…

This command does not work. returns code 3 which means: “unit is not active”.

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Mine shows this.

[rick@xfce-pc ~]$ systemctl status systemd-time-wait-sync
● systemd-time-wait-sync.service - Wait Until Kernel Time Synchronized
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-time-wait-sync.service; di>
     Active: inactive (dead)
       Docs: man:systemd-time-wait-sync.service(8)
[rick@xfce-pc ~]$ 

Mine returns this:

[elloquin@elloquin-pc ~]$ systemctl status systemd-time-wait-sync
● systemd-time-wait-sync.service - Wait Until Kernel Time Synchronized
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-time-wait-sync.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
     Active: inactive (dead)
       Docs: man:systemd-time-wait-sync.service(8)