.vimrc default working location error

I am a vim user on android and linux.
I have a folder on Desktop named Andrew_datas_Sync which i want vim to use it as default working location. All my notes are stored in that folder.

I setup .vimrc file (~/.vimrc) :
cd ~/Deskop/Andrew_datas_Sync
However when run vim, it generate this error

$ vim
Error detected while processing /home/enos-andrew/.vimrc:
line   58:
E344: Can't find directory "/home/enos-andrew/Deskop/Andrew_datas_Sync" in cdpath

What is the problem ?

You spelled “Desktop” wrong.


:sweat_smile: Oh! You caught that! I have spent over 10 minutes trying this and that… it ends up such a stupid typo mistake. Thanks


10 minutes?

yes, maybe over 10 mins… but didn’t notice the careless typo mistake