Is there something I am missing? The last few days I noticed that my package for discord needed to be updated. I tried updating and there was no update for discord.
I ran both sudo pacman -Syu & yay -Syu and both did not update discord. I have tried updating my keyrings as well and that did not seem to fix the issue.
When I click on discord it does not bring up discord. Discord says it requires an update and suggests a ubuntu package; that usually means to me that I need to update discord.
Actually, this is just a common issue with Discord that the OP will experience at some point again in the future.
Though Arch-based distros are rolling releases, they do not update the Discord package right away, as such, you may have to wait a day or so before you get the package update when running pacman -Syu.
To confirm: This is because Discord only officially distributes a .DEB package and a general install script for Linux.
My solution was to uninstall Discord and just use the website. However, I remember someone saying they needed the actual Discord package installed for some specific feature; can’t remember which feature they mentioned though.
An in-between solution is to use the website while you wait for the updated package whenever this happens again.
And another option is to use one of the AUR packages that prides itself on being more up-to-date than actual Discord. I used to use Webcord, but it is really just a wrapper around the website, but technically less functional because I can’t use my Firefox extensions - theme, adblock, image downloader, etc.
I’m not a Discord user. Is it possible to disable the update reminder “feature”, so one can then just assume it will be updated during regular system updates at some point?
Not looking promising. Basically, it’s one of my solutions or the more advanced solution, rebuild the package yourself by editing the PKGBUILD and changing the package version.
But like I said, someone else said something about some specific Discord feature that supposedly only works when it is installed. If the OP needs whatever feature that is, then they may have to deal with this issue from time to time.
That being said, features that work just fine in the browser:
everything to my knowledge
But more specifically:
messages, threads, screen-sharing, noise cancellation, viewing someone’s else screen-share, posting images and videos, posting GIFs from the picker (whatever it’s called), etc.
Things that the official app doesn’t have:
adblock, theming (not just light and dark), double-click image downloader, a proper right-click, and whatever other extensions you have in your browser.
The issue I remember having was that I Discord doesn’t allow sharing audio from screen-shares from Linux installs. Not sure if they’ve added that or if it’s still the same.
Your microphone’s audio will work just fine, but not videos, audio files, etc.
Meanwhile, I just tested the website, and it didn’t give me the error message about no audio support on Linux, which probably means the website is straight up better.
Yer I never used it for this, just bug testing ROM hacks/fan games. It may have had something to do with sharing media though. Just haven’t had any real issues since I started using through the browser and its been a while so makes it hard to remember
Since Discord is mostly done with Debian/Ubuntu in mind, they do this because, IIRC, Discord isn’t in those repos. On Arch, the Discord package is a community maintained one. You have some options available actually:
Install the Flatpak version of Discord (it is verified on Flathub, so this is officially maintained as far as I know)
@ObesePenguin What @I0F and @winnyace said. I just got my discord update today, so sometimes it takes a bit of time before the update is available in the repos.
I personally would recommend installing Vesktop simply because official Discord kind of sucks on Linux. It has a lot of features that aren’t present in the official client on Linux like Rich Presence and screensharing with audio.