Update problem - error: failed retrieving file core.db

Hi, today I was updating the sistem when the terminal showed some errors:
error: failed retrieving file core.db from ftp.sudhip.com Failed to connect to ftp.sudhip.com port 443: there is no path to the host
core 135.2 KiB 556 KiB/s 00:00 [----------------------] 100%
error: failed retrieving file extra.db from ftp.sudhip.com Failed to connect to ftp.sudhip.com port 443: there is no path to the host
extra 1702.7 KiB 917 KiB/s 00:02 [----------------------] 100%
error:failed retrieving file community.db from ftp.sudhip.com Failed to connect to ftp.sudhip.com port 443: there is no path to the host
community 4.9 MiB 1045 KiB/s 00:05 [----------------------] 100%
error:failed retrieving file multilib.db from ftp.sudhip.com Failed to connect to ftp.sudhip.com port 443:there is no path to the host
multilib is uptodate
endeavouros is uptodate
Any idea of what could be?, I did a refresh to the mirrors afterward becaus even with the errors at the end the terminal showed that the system was updated correctly.

The mirrors are actually unavailable :film_strip:

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Thanks for the answer. So I need to change the mirrors?


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OK, will do that. Thanks for the answer, Im too new at Arch. Should mark the topic as Solved or the mods will do it?

you can easily do it by checking the checkbox “solution” under a message