Unexpected inconsistency run fsck manually endeavourOS


Yestarday, I encoutered some problems with my laptop.

First, my touchpad started to not answer well.

After a reboot, my laptop wasn’t able to boot and displayed the following message : unexpected inconsistency run fsck manually.

I’d like to know the cause of the bug, and the procedure to repair it.

Sorry for my english and thanks for your help.

Typically that is caused by an improper shutdown or a failing disk.

The first thing you should do is run fsck like it recommends.


This is not a bug. Most likely the hard drive/ssd/nvme is dying.

Thank for your answer.

Running the fsck command solved my problem. Thank you.

My NVMe has only 2 months… Could have been caused by closing without powering off my laptop ?

Probably not. Just keep an eye on it and see if it comes up again.

It can be caused if you power off or reboot forcibly. For example, by holding the power button.

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