Below is the OP, which turns out to have been accidentally directed at my integrated GPU. Right now I’m at a dead-end because pp_od_clk_voltage is missing from /sys/class/drm/card1/device/
I have an RX 7600 that needs to be slightly underclocked. It's a hardware thing. Here's my understanding of what to do (and a summary of what I've done):
1: Append **amdgpu.ppfeaturemask=0xffffffff** to `/efi/loader/entries/<kernel>.conf`
2: Restart
3: Following [this manual](, command the amdgpu interface in `/sys/class/drm/card0/device/`, using commands like **echo {value} > {target}** as root.
3a: Send **manual** to `power_dpm_force_performance_level`
3b: Send a clock speed to `pp_od_clk_voltage`, like **{s / m} {1 / 0 } {Mhz}**, where "s" indicates clock speed while "m" indicates memory speed, and "1" indicates maximum clock while "0" indicates minimum. So, underclocking to 2Ghz would be **s 1 2000**.
3c: Send **c** to `pp_od_clk_voltage` to confirm the changes.
Settings can always be checked by reading `pp_od_clk_voltage`. When I start, it looks like this:
0: 400Mhz
1: 2200Mhz
SCLK: 400Mhz 2200Mhz
I'll note, though, that the KDE system monitor shows the working speed of the GPU as 2400Mhz. After I follow the above instructions, `pp_od_clk_voltage` reads as:
0: 400Mhz
1: 2000Mhz
SCLK: 400Mhz 2200Mhz
So, it appears to have worked. But nothing changes. I've tested it, and nothing about the system seems effected by this action. What have I missed?
I'm basically locked out of gaming if I can't get this to work; any help is appreciated.