Thunar Workspace in i3wm

What does this mean? Case insensitive?

firefox in some cases produces different wm class WM_NAME strings like this:
"Groups · Dashboard · GitLab - Firefox"

so something different…

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but yes it is case-insensitive :wink: I confused it with WM_NAME

so it will work in cas it uses capital or lower first letter


I rarely use this name (title) identification. Once I was messing with picom asd set opacity rule.

"0:name = 'i3lock'"

That was perfect because it made i3lock transparent and I has animated picture behind it. But then a Thunar window vanished and Firefox as well. It took me several minutes to figure out that Thunar sets its title according to the directory it is in and Firefox change its title based on the webpage. Fun guaranteed. :sweat_smile:

Ok. You guys lost me but I guess I’m on my way down the rabbit hole. :slight_smile: I have a lot of learning ahead of me.

i like this one the most :wink:

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