The Myth of DNS Propagation?

I believe DNS propagation time is a myth and its just lazy admins setting their caching to impossibly long times, so it is always using the old data until it finally reaches that high number.
So how long after that magical advertised 24-48-72 hours everyone likes to quote, should one expect their NS and other dns records to be visible? Isn’t it time there was a standard everyone had to follow for caching values?
As to what other mysteries are lurking in the shadows forcing user to wait days for something that should take just minutes in this so-called “information technology” era, one can only speculate.
Just thinking aloud, and interested what you think.

DNS propagation is the time period in which it takes updates to DNS records to be in full effect across all servers on the web. The reason changes aren’t instantaneous is because nameservers store domain record information in their cache for a certain amount of time before they refresh.

It isn’t really about laziness.

There was a time when updating a DNS cache was a more expensive operation due to lower network availability and load on the root servers. It also didn’t matter as much, things weren’t changing as fast as they do today. In those days, 24 hours was pretty standard. However, DNS isn’t flat. Your DNS server can be several layers below the ROOT server so you need to wait for a chain of propagation to happen. This could easily take 3 days or even more back then.

Of course, over time, it became more common for the times to be less. It became common to use 4 hours and these days 1 hour is pretty standard. In reality, DNS records propagate pretty quickly now in most situations. The reason they still quote longer times is because it is totally out of their control. It only takes one person or poorly configured DNS server to slow things down. Most home routers have caching DNS servers in them.

Another thing that changed is honoring TTLs on individual records. In the old days, most servers ignored TTLs so it didn’t really matter what you set them to. Today, the opposite is true. To some extent, you can control how long DNS propagation will take on your individual records. However, many DNS providers won’t let you set a time lower than a certain threshold. This is to prevent too much load on the authoritative servers for a domain.

NS records are a bit different. Those have to go to the root servers. Since their are a relatively small number of those serving the entire internet, updating those on a more reasonable frequency is fairly important. Also, NS records really shouldn’t change that frequently.

TLDR version: It usually doesn’t take that long in practice anymore, but since it is out of the providers control, they often quote a worst-case timeframe.


Why do we still use DNS in the current year? It’s such an obnoxious concept.

It’s not like a better alternative does not exist. We have all these fancy technologies like blockchain and P2P filesharing, why can’t we simply share hosts files, like phonebooks? We also have QR codes and most people have scanners that can read them in their pockets at all times.

Why do we need some centralised authority that gets to say who can have a domain name or not? A domain name is simply a human-readable alias for an IP address. Even if no better alternative to DNS existed, just using IP addresses and maintaining your own hosts file would be preferable. When I was a kid, we had to remember at least 20 phone numbers, and it wasn’t difficult at all.

Look how the TOR network does it, with their .onion addresses. No centralised DNS.


That"s a very complete answer @dalto, so I have a such a situation and I am even going to add A records of the nameservers as glue records to try and speed things up, but this is pretty bad since I added the delegation of Friday.

Can I DM the domain to you?


Because…SIR! Come with us!!!
:oncoming_police_car: :male_detective: :alien:


We are in charge…not you! :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:


You are like a breath of fresh air in a stale room @Kresimir full of blue smoke, if you can picture that!

I agree. I don’t know why we can’t just use blockchain, it would certainly be faster than what we have now. I think blockchain technology can be used to revolutionize all kinds of mundane transaction keeping, but as for using it for crypto, well we would need some more decentralized controls to stop people like this SBF. :cry:

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Yep, that is part of it too.

Kids’ explainer for DNS, etc.



I never know those emojis existed, and the scenario they just described is priceless. Much better than my [quote=“keybreak, post:7, topic:34759, full:true”]

Because…SIR! Come with us!!!
:oncoming_police_car: :male_detective: :alien:





We don’t. We have all available instruments to never ever put trust to anyone at all, except yourself.

It’s just that some people should actually think before keeping their money outside of their own wallets on some market where they have NO money, because they have no keys and 3rd party controlling everything…That’s even without mentioning pump and dump schemes and clearly absurdly malicious character of SBF which raises more flags than communists in China :rofl:

Tech is there. Millions of people are using it.
It’s just some people are idiots who are completely ignorant of it for absolutely no reason and some malicious assholes take advantage of that, as anywhere else.

By definition you can’t eliminate human factor out of something that gives you freedom, otherwise it wouldn’t be freedom.

There will always be those who will do triple jump from stand-on-a-head pose right to the same old rakes landing and then shoot themselves with full-length double-barrel rifle…


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Keeping your money in a stranger’s wallet is almost as stupid as giving the power to map domain names to IP addresses to entities like Goolag or Clownflare.

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You can totally trust :clown_face:



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Oh I do. Where do I sign up? What’s do you call your crypto product?

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HONK-HONK coin, very safe! :rofl:
You can x1000 your tokens each time you make a honk!


P.S. Have i mentioned it is very safe? :clown_face:

Jesus…of course it existed, of course anything you can come up with already have been scammed :rofl:


I like my DNS served nonrecursive. :rofl:

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Looks very trustworthy, especially with that honest looking mascot.
I’ll take 1 trillion of them.