I LOVE LINUX.endeavouros.ARCH ~ i figure you guys are GENIUS way over my head (the ONLY THING I WAS EVER GOOD AT WAS ART which i don’t really do much anymore and i SHOULD) who created the sexieset most simple & sleakest os evah! i love it, i use it everyday, it was so easy to put on… tbh i needed my bros (biological) help to install arch to so i would never enjoy arch without the endeavouros team. i just love linux… arch is the BEST… and i LOVE how this commmunity STICKS togethor and helps one another out like a brotherhood of hackers (spanning all over the world for the common goal of helping one another out)
LOVE & RESPECT FROM MICHIGAN ~ whoever created endeavouros and maintains it cheers
WHITE WOLF (had a few drinks today if this is sloopy i am sorry)
PS: another thing i love about endeavouros is it simply WORKS unlike elementary os which had a wicked cool de but i found out that doesn’t mean shit [quote=“whitewolfAK47, post:1, topic:60217, full:true”]
I LOVE LINUX.endeavouros.ARCH ~ i figure you guys are GENIUS way over my head (the ONLY THING I WAS EVER GOOD AT WAS ART which i don’t really do much anymore and i SHOULD) who created the sexieset most simple & sleakest os evah! i love it, i use it everyday, it was so easy to put on… tbh i needed my bros (biological) help to install arch to so i would never enjoy arch without the endeavouros team. i just love linux… arch is the BEST… and i LOVE how this commmunity STICKS togethor and helps one another out like a brotherhood of hackers (spanning all over the world for the common goal of helping one another out)
LOVE & RESPECT FROM MICHIGAN ~ whoever created endeavouros and maintains it cheers
WHITE WOLF (had a few drinks today if this is sloopy i am sorry)
PS: another thing i love about endeavouros is it simply WORKS unlike elementary os which had a wicked cool de but i found out that doesn’t mean shit unless it is stable os/distro so i stick with kde now. most of all i would say the os/arch/stability and the peeps (community) make the difference when it comes to endeavouros. so i stick with kde now. most of all i would say the os/arch/stability and the peeps (community) make the difference when it comes to endeavouros.