Terminal Word game :) A great intro to the terminal

O - Generic interface to Perl Compiler backends

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Ooooh, where to go from here?

ostree - Manage multiple bootable versioned filesystem trees


exec - Execution command

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clear - clear the terminal screen… no junk :slight_smile:


reboot - Restarts the system

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tar - c Create an archive

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ctrlaltdel - Sets the function of the ctrl+alt+del function

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I’m confused by this… why quote “ex” from the middle of a word in the definition on which to base your comment?

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lspci - show a list of all PCI devices

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Iftop - display bandwith usage on an interface by host

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passwd - set a password for a user account (not to be confused with pwd - print working directory, meaning show the current directory)

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df - report file system disk space usage

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fontforge - create and modify PostScript, TrueType and SVG fonts

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I was gonna say env but already used…so I’ll say exit and go do something else :crazy_face:
to add to df above…
df -h shows numbers as gigs n megs so much more readable…somebody once told me the h means human…


file - show the filetype of a given file → $: man file

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eject - eject removable media

telnet - which is old fashioned now as you should be using ssh
but it ends in a t so somebody else can have a go :crazy_face:

tc-bcq -class based queing

quota -shows disk info

accessdb - dumps the content of a man-db database in a human readable format