System wont shutdown fully

Hello! I’ve got an acer laptop that won’t shutdown, well it does shutdown: the screen gets black and nothing seems to happen but the fans keep spinning and a keyboard backlight is on. Happened on mint aswell. Need to force shutdown PC after that. Happens occasionally but often enough to be irritating. Thanks for the suggestions!

Hey Demik! Welcome back!

I had this exact same problem on a PC, and while I can’t fully remember, it was a BIOS/UEFI setting to do with power management. I’ll see if I can dig something out of my memory, but that’s where I’d start.

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What desktop environment are you using @Demlk? KDE Plasma? Gnome? Something else?

Do you have a dual boot with windows? Last year i had the issue that a windows update completely changed the BIOS/UEFI configuration

Oh, I also have an Acer laptop here, and the same problem happens to me for a while.

I was not able to do anything to solve this until now unfortunately. Here I use EOS + i3wm, but the same problem happened on Gnome, etc.

Many times I prefer to restart the system and when I enter Lightdm login screen “ask” it to shutdown from there, in order to prevent possible issues with “force shutdown” (keeping power button pressed).

Hey! Still cant find a solution, but logging out healps a bit it seems.

What happens if you go into the console and type

systemctl poweroff

Pc powered off veryy fast