System reboot itself

At first im on endeavouros then switch to nixos but after using for 3 weeks the rgb fan keep on flickering on and off then restarts the pc maybe its because of update or too many symlink, and it struggle to turn on cause the cpu fan is having trouble rotating and rgb fan keeps flickering on and off then i have to wait for many hours then it boots up then i was able to switch to endeavour os but after 1 hour the rgb light is flickering on and off then restart then the struggle, i have the same pc with the relatives but theyre being use and still fine i really like linux thats why i switch
Pc info


Sys log

I need help i did reseat them cables but still the same
Or Is this a psu problem

If your PC is struggling to post (the initial stages of boot), if that’s what you’ve described, then it is almost certainly hardware related.