Suggestion for improving installation for non English locales

What does kbd-model-map do?

It looks like what I’ve suggested, no?

Edit: After looking at the code, it seems the kbd-model-map isn’t the correct file (even though it seems it could have been). The code uses non-ascii-layouts instead.

So it seems just adding additional languages such as Hebrew to this file would fix the behaviour to what I’ve suggested, if I understand the code correctly (I’ve only skimmed over it).

Second edit:

Seems like Calamares got Hebrew and Arabic dual layout added 2 months ago :slight_smile: by omeritzics. I guess the next endeavouros iso would not have this issue anymore.

You should mark @Bryanpwo’s post as the solution because he correctly identified the problem to be upstream.


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Welcome to EnOS’ forum @feature!

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