Substance Painter Steam bugs


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UUID=80F2-5619 /boot/efi vfat defaults,noati>
UUID=6d1d74bc-0200-4b97-ad85-772c862072c2 / ext4 defaults,noati>
LABEL=Workingfiles /mnt/Workingfiles auto nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 0
LABEL=Long\040term\040storage /mnt/Long\040term\040storage auto nosuid,nodev,no>
/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0


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Whenever you edit your /etc/fstab, you could run

sudo findmnt --verify

To check if everything is alright before rebooting or shutdown.


$ sudo findmnt --verify
[sudo] password for user:          
Success, no errors or warnings detected
   [E] on-disk ntfs seems unsupported by the current kernel
/mnt/Long term storage
   [E] on-disk ntfs seems unsupported by the current kernel
   [W] non-bind mount source /swapfile is a directory or regular file
   [W] your fstab has been modified, but systemd still uses the old version;
       use 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload

Run: sudo systemctl daemon-reload

   [E] on-disk ntfs seems unsupported by the current kernel
/mnt/Long term storage
   [E] on-disk ntfs seems unsupported by the current kernel

These seems kind of “false positive”, I guess.

Didn’t fix it. Same error.