Strange message when updating the mirror list

My local servers were down for some reason I guess. So I added two other countries to my mirror list.

Later I decided to view the mirror list in
/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist file

using vim editor, but every time I hit :X to exit, I get this message at the end of file saying
E173 one more line to edit


follow by the prompt that 2 files to edit

I guess there are two mirror list create automatically ???


It’s simply /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Why do you attach the “filename” file to the end of it?

Try using rate-mirrors or reflector to generate a new mirrror list.

rate-mirrors arch | sudo tee /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist 


reflector -a 10 --sort score | sudo tee /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

(just one of these commands should do it)


@Kresimir Many thanks

I ran the command and it generated a bunch of server list.
So is that it ?


Now run

sudo pacman -Syyu
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@Kresimir stop helping skynet!!! :rofl:



Hey! That looks like home!


You’ve updated your mirrors.

This can also be done from the Endeavour welcome app.

Just to pick up on this, you asked vim to open two files: one called /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist and one called file. This is why it’s telling you there’s “one more file”.


That’s what happens when you use vim. :laughing:
I just use nano. Short and sweet! :wink:

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I don’t think his outcome would have changed had he used nano instead of vim. . .

I realize that. Just making a joke about vim. :smile:

Edit: There’s a tool for that! On the Welcome app. Update mirrors! :wink:

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thanks I did that :slight_smile:
I run either the sudo pacman -Syyu or just the following
yay -Syyu first thing in the morning everyday :slight_smile:

bravo. cheers thanks

Don’t run it like that, lol.

Just yay -Syyu will do.

And when you normally update, without changing your mirrors first, simply run yay

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Say a lot of folks say that paru is now the new yay
What do you run ?


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Good stuff. thanks