Steam just crash game after 15 seconds

I just wanna play steam games using proton. Using on XFCE. Here’s my specs…
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 4800H (16) @ 2.90 GHz
GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Mobile [Discrete]
GPU 2: AMD Radeon Vega Series / Radeon Vega Mobile Series [Integrated]

Nvidia drivers was installed by iso file that I used, official of course:)
Do not know what it seems to be

Tried to open steam via console and see what if there’s errors, but noting interesting. Also tried to use the PROTON_LOG=1 for looking into logs (mb there) but no or I really cannot understand wtf there. Tried to purge steam from machine (delete in yay and everything else) but no success. I really don’t know what to do in this situation… Also tried installing via flatpak but it does not help either!
Steam was installed via yay… I really do not know what I should do…

Really hope for your help!

I’m not downloading 52mb of logs from someone I don’t and I don’t think many other will either, try upload to somewhere like pastebin or something where people can just view them.

ok. sry. Will do…

All good, just letting you know. BTW welcome to the forum.

Well… Here it is →

Cool. Quick question, is this on all games or just this one?
(I can’t make much sense of the logs myself sorry, but they should help others help you).
It might have something to do with the Nvidia drivers also but I don’t know too much about this either.

All proton games are crashing, exception on the native for linux games. And no… it’s not drivers 'cause on native (cs2) fps is high enough, no lags. So I really do not know what is it…

Have you tried using a different version of proton?

Yeah. This logs are on Experimental, but I tried Proton9, and also last ProtonGE. Result is the same…

Ok, hopefully someone can help you. Sucks when you can’t get a game to run.

Yeah, well, if somebody have suggestions or mb faces the same issue - I’m here, always can do everything that I can, give all needed logs or whatever. Thank you anyways :3

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What exactly do you mean by this? Can you give more details about how you went about purging it from your machine?

I deleted it via yay -Rncs steam and after remove everything from folders: rm -rf ~/.local/share/Steam && rm -rf ~/.steam* Also deleted *.desktop files from the ~/.local/share/applications folder.

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Alright, that sounds good. How are you handling the hybrid graphics situation you got going with your hardware? Anything special there?

nope. nothing special. The reason why is quite simple - when I was using hyprland on eos last month everything worked fine. 2 weeks ago got this thing with steam (and also I wanted a good old for me xfce, uninstall some garbage that I’ve got) so reinstalled whole system. This steam thing is still here, idk why ( that worked and worked well! ).

Well, I don’t know why it worked either. The hyperland wiki says they don’t officially support Nvidia, so I doubt they had any code for handling it. Although, I know you can force steam to use a certain graphics card itself. Although I’m not sure whether or not that is related to your problem anyways.

When you said

Did you launch the game when you did this? Can you post that output anyways?

I just had a thought, Hyperland uses wayland (I think) and XFCE uses X11, could it possibly be this?


WELL… I really wanna say sorry… 'cause it just works now for some reason.

I opened steam via the terminal (no args as usual) for getting logs for u guys, but it decided to work for some reason. So… better for me, I suppose >_<
I did not installed ANYTHING throw packages at all, did not update, nothing. It just works!

Very strange situation actually… I think, that tomorrow, after I shutdown notebook and turn it on back, I will check for games. If it’s working - I will close the topic…

Thanks everyone, who wanted to help me, really! It’s really great to fell that u’re not alone here :3

P.S. about X11 and Wayland – no, that’s not it, 'cause I faced this issue before reinstallation of eos.


Hopefully it keeps working for you, have fun with your games.

Thx! I will write how it going tomorrow. I appreciate your support guys <3

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