[SOLVED] How to Make a .txt file of All the Programs I Wish to Install


first of all, this is good article for anyone interested in generating package list


In this example i’m using -Qqe option, but you can manually edit this list or make your own with only desired packages

Generating package list

pacman -Qqe >installed_packages.txt

Edit the list as you want using your prefered text editor

For AUR packages.

OBS: this actually list any package external from official, so endeavouros packages are also listed here.

pacman -Qqm >aur_packages.txt


There are multiples ways to accomplish this, i’ll give a couple examples

if you have one package by line you can:
sudo pacman -S $(cat installed_packages.txt |xargs) --needed --noconfirm

Or even
for x in $(cat installed_packages.txt); do sudo pacman -S $x --needed --noconfirm; done

3 )For AUR
yay -S $(cat aur_packages.txt |xargs) --needed --noconfirm

  • -needed will only install new packages, so you won’t waste time reinstalling the already installed
  • -noconfirm won’t prompt the confirmation step “Do you want to install?”. Recommended specially for the second method and with huge list of files